Bretonnians, Tomb Kings & More Confirmed in Warhammer Old World!

Warhammer-Old-World-bretonnia-tomb-kingsOrcs, Bretonnians, Tomb Kings, and more factions have been confirmed for Warhammer Old World, after a long period of silence!

There have been multiple announcements across the course of a year for Old World, but GW has never said the actual release date, but… They did say that 2023 is the 40th anniversary of Warhammer, meaning it would only make sense to come out then. So, maybe we don’t have that long to wait. Now, we at least have three more confirmed armies to look forward to.

Plus, they also updated the map of the Warhammer Old World, which is most likely full of spoilers. 

Bretonnians, Tomb Kings & More Confirmed in Warhammer Old World!

This time, Warhammer Community posted some big news and actual confirmations! So, it’s always good to see. Let’s take a closer look!


Bretonnians Warhammer Old World

It’s been quite a while since our last update, but that’s how you know we’ve been extra busy! Our miniatures designers, painters, writers, illustrators, and graphic designers have all been engaged in a period of industrious activity getting new miniatures designed and the main rulebook written, playtested, lavishly illustrated, and laid out. This truly is a gargantuan project with lots to show off, but for now we want to give a glimpse of some of the amazing artwork the Warhammer: The Old World team’s illustrators have been producing…

It’s always good to see something, and we all love some good art now that we know there most likely will be miniatures for all these factions in Warhammer Old World.

Bretonnians Warhammer Old World 2

The world of Warhammer has always been blessed with the most lavish of artwork, but that’s no excuse not to create more! The studio illustrators have been hard at work rendering classic and new miniatures into full-colour artwork. A key part of this process has been to identify exactly the correct look and feel for these new pieces, capturing just the right level of gritty, myth-inspired classic fantasy that much of this beloved setting encapsulates.

Having both Tomb Kings and Bretonnians confirmed is just amazing! Obviously, they are two pretty big armies, and especially for Bretonnians, it would only make sense to have them in the game. Still, it’s always better to know for sure!

Bretonnians Warhammer Old World 3

Bretonnians Warhammer Old World 4They didn’t really say much about Orcs, but what would fantasy be without Orcs?

Updated Warhammer Old World Map

old world mapThis is the first map we saw them put out, and boy, the new one is much more expansive! This map really emphasizes Kislev, so we know there are up to 5 armies when you also include the drawings and such we’ve seen for Cathay.

They also talk about High Elves in the article, so a bit sneaky, but really another army is confirmed!

Warhammer Old World

There’s lots more work to do, but we’ve recently added a number of emblems indicating locations important to the Dwarfs and the greenskins – in particular up in the mountain ranges that cross the Old World, and in the northern reaches of the Badlands. Each icon is just the tip of the iceberg, with a huge amount of work going into developing the character and history behind each and every group and faction.

Look at that; they even mention Dwarves as well. So while none of these are like crazy new armies, having your favorite old army confirmed by GW is always something great!

What do you see on the new Warhammer Old World map? Any big spoilers for other armies coming to the game? 

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