Broken Realms & Be’lakor: New GW Pre-Orders for Next Week!

aos-broken-realms-be'lakorNew releases for Age of Sigmar are on the way, as GW just confirmed Be’lakor and his themed Broken Realms book for next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up!

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Be’lakor, the Dark Master

New Be'lakorAncient even when the world-that-was was whole, aeons of scheming and subtle preparation are about to bear fruit as Be’lakor makes a power play of realm-shaking proportions in a bid to replace his hated rival Archaon in the esteem of his divine masters.

Be’lakor is a pretty important character in lore, being the first Daemon Prince and all. Unfortunately, he has been on the backburner, but no longer! In Age of Sigmar he is stepping straight into the limelight.


New Be'lakor 40kBut that’s not all, he is also coming to 40k with some extra bit options.

Broken Realms: Be’lakor

broken realms belakorBroken Realms: Be’lakor tells the story of his grand plan unleashed upon the realms of Order, following an unlikely alliance and the catastrophic after-effects of a mighty magical explosion. Not only will you be able to read all about Be’lakor at the moment of his greatest work, but also forces of the Seraphon, Stormcast Eternals, and Nighthaunt as they react to the Daemon Prince’s machinations.

The Broken Realms books serve as a vehicle to move the AoS storyline forward while focusing on key characters. This will bring in new lore and some implications regarding the mortal realms. Not to mention new rules.

Gardus Steel Soul & Krulghast Cruciator

Gardus steel soul and krulghast cruciatorGardus Steel Soul leads the Hallowed Knights like a shining beacon of hope in the defence of Order, while the Krulghast Cruciator brings the most horrific implements of torture Nagash can concoct to bear upon the enemies of Death.

Buy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

Atra’zan’s Blazing Calvacade

Three new bundle boxes warscrolls will have rules and implications inside Broken Realms Be’lakor, and may save you a few dollars as well!

tzeentch broken realmsAtra’zan the Immolator leads a horde of pyromaniac Horrors against Tzeentch’s foes

The Celestial Stampede

celestial stampede

Starwarden Iq-to presses his Celestial Stampede into battle at the behest of his slann masters

The Sorrowmourn Choir

The Sorrowmourn ChoirLady Olynder and her personal guard, the Sorrowmourn Choir, are getting involved in mysterious circumstances to prey upon Sigmar’s faithful

Drungon’s Aether Runners

Drungon's Aether Runners

The duardin of Barak-Zilfin are on hand, led by Drongon Humboldsson and his Aether-runners to turn the tide when the night seems darkest

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Volkite Eradicators and Destructors

Volkite Eradicators and DestructorsPrinceps commanding a force in Adeptus Titanicus can look forward to some additional firepower, as Forge World brings forth terrifying volkite technology for several classes of Titan. Warhounds, Reavers, and Warlords will be able to get their hands on mighty Volkite Eradicators and Destructors to equip their maniples with, sure to give your enemies a heavy toasting with their powerful thermal rays.

Volkite Eradicators and Destructors 2Considering last week’s bundle release for Adeptus Titanicus, these new weapons might fit perfectly into any force that someone might build out of it.

King Dáin Ironfoot and Thorin III ‘Stonehelm’

King Dáin Ironfoot and Thorin III ‘Stonehelm’

With the former a legendary figure of inspiration among Dwarves, and the latter a cool-headed commander and tactician, Dwarven armies fighting back against the evil Easterlings are sure to appreciate these stalwart heroes among their ranks. 

Not to mention these could just be some awesome dwarves to use for a DnD campaign too.

Do you like the look of these releases? Are you going to pick any up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!