Broken Realms & Lumineth Realm-lords: Pricing & Details

By Andrew Schrank | March 28th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer-pre-ordersThe Lumineth Realm-lords & Broken Realms Teclis new releases are here – check out the full lineup and pricing for all these pre-orders.

This week’s pre-orders are here from Games Workshop including the second wave of Lumineth Realm-lords and the new Broken Realms Teclis! Check out what’s available to preorder right now!

There is also a high chance these will be allocated in North America, but that is not confirmed until we know more. If that’s true though, be sure to hope on what items you want fast!

Broken Realms Teclis HB $40

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broken realms teclisInside this 152-page hardback book, you’ll find:
-The thrilling tale of the Lumineth Realm-lords’ perilous campaign against the entrenched legions of Death – illustrated with stunning new art.
– New rules for the Lumineth Realm-lords, including a bevy of units from the Hurakan Temple. This book includes the full set of rules and background for every newly-released unit, so can be used alongside the first edition of Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords.
– Allegiance abilities for the Cities of Sigmar and Lumineth Realm-lords, representing Xintil, a Free City in Hysh, as well as the Great Nations of Alumnia and Helon.
– Rules for Streets of Death – battles in the tight confines of cities across the Mortal Realms.
– Six battleplans and Realms of Battle rules to help you recreate the events and locations from the story.
– A suite of warscroll battalions and rules to enhance your Cities of Sigmar, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Lumineth Realm-lords, Flesh-eater Courts, and Ossiarch Bonereapers.

Invidian Plaguehost $90

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This set contains 20 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, plus a Sloppity Bilepiper and a Spoilpox Scrivener to lead them. It is supplied in 164 plastic components and comes with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base and 25x Citadel 32mm Round Bases.

Xintil War-magi $80

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Xintil War-magiThis set is supplied in 216 plastic components and comes with 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases and 2x 120mm Oval Bases.

Mortevell’s Helcourt $80

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Mortevell’s HelcourtThis set is supplied in 239 plastic components and comes with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base, 3x Citadel 50mm Round Bases, and 20x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.

Horrek’s Dreadlance $115

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Horrek’s DreadlanceThis set is supplied in 240 plastic components and comes with 1x Citadel 80mm Round Base and 10x Citadel 60mm Oval Bases.

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords HB $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

lumineth realm lordsThis 136-page hardback book contains:

– Allegiance abilities for Lumineth Realm-lords, including a variety of battle traits
– All the unit rules content from Broken Realms: Teclis
– 3 spell lores
– 3 battleplans that allow you to fight thrilling narrative battles that suit the Lumineth Realm-lords ways of war
– Rules for creating a Lumineth warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Hero Followers rewards tables
– 8 warscroll battalions
– 24 warscrolls, plus 3 endless spell warscrolls and 1 scenery warscroll
– Pitched battle profiles for all units and endless spells featured in this battletome

Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica $55

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The kit is comprised of 42 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 90mm x 52.5mm Oval Base. This model can alternatively be assembled as a Vanari Lord Regent.

Lord Regent $55

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Lord RegentSame sprue as above.

The kit is comprised of 42 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Vanari Lord Regent, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 90mm x 52.5mm Oval Base. This model can alternatively be assembled as Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica.

Hurakan Windchargers $60

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Hurakan Windchargers




The kit is comprised of 89 plastic components, with which you can assemble 5 Hurakan Windchargers, with options to build one as a Seneschal unit leader and one as a Standard Bearer. They are supplied with 5x Citadel 60mm x 35mm Oval Bases.

Vanari Bannerblade $35

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Vanari Bannerblade


The kit is comprised of 12 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Vanari Bannerblade, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base.

Scinari Calligrave $30

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Scinari Calligrave


The kit is comprised of 10 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Scinari Calligrave, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind $55

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Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind



The kit is comprised of 26 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base. This model can alternatively be assembled as a Hurakan Spirit of the Wind.

Hurakan Spirits of the Wind $55

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Hurakan Spirits of the WindSame as sprue as above

The kit is comprised of 26 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Hurakan Spirit of the Wind, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base. This model can alternatively be assembled as Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind.

Hurakan Windmage $35

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Hurakan Windmage


The kit is comprised of 21 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Hurakan Windmage, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 60mm x 35mm Oval Base.

Vanari Starshard Ballistas $50

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Vanari Starshard Ballistas


The kit is comprised of 47 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Vanari Starshard Ballista plus crew, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 80mm Round Base.

Vanari Bladelords $60

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Vanari Bladelords



The kit is comprised of 48 plastic components, with which you can assemble 5 Vanari Bladelords, with an option for assembling one as a male or female Seneschal armed with a Sunmetal Greatblade or Sunmetal Dual Blades. These models are supplied with 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases.

Scinari Loreseeker $30

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Scinari Loreseeker


The kit is comprised of 9 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Scinari Loreseeker, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.

Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages $45

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Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages


The kit is comprised of 12 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base.

Shrine Luminor $60

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Shrine Luminor



The kit is comprised of 36 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Shrine Luminor terrain piece.

Warscroll Cards Lumineth Realm-lords $25

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Warscroll Cards Lumineth Realm-lords

This set includes 28 warscroll cards for referencing units, endless spells, and scenery, plus two double-sided sheets of push-out tokens.

With the Lumineth Realm-lords pricing confirmed, is there anything you will be getting? Which set is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!