Broken Realms Morathi: New AoS Rules & Big Changes

age-of-sigmar-broken-realmsBroken Realms: Morathi is going to be a supplemental rules expansion for five factions of AoS, check out what we know so far!

We did a preview a little while ago about the latest expansion coming to AoS, but now we know all the factions it’s going to focus on and what we can expect to see. While none of the books are available quite yet, it shouldn’t be long now!

In thier latest preview Warhammer Community, a new website for it and are going posting all sorts of background fiction on the new storyline.

The first installment in new the series is going to be, Book One: Morathi which will have new rules for The Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness, Idoneth Deepkin, and The Daughters of Khaine. Let’s check it out!

Broken Realms Morathi: New AoS Rules & Big Changes

AoS Broken Realms MorathiBroken Realms: Morathi is the first of many new additions to AoS. They seem to be serving a similar role as Psychic Awakening did for 40k, to see more about the pattern and the possibility of a new edition for Age of Sigmar,( check out the post here) in 2021 seems pretty likely at this point.

But for right now, we can expect new rules, tons of background, new missions, and even some new minis from Broken Realms: Morathi! With 5 factions getting rules, this book is going to be massive. Just to think, most PA books had 2-3 factions in each. Let’s take a look at the new boxset coming out along with it. 

Shadow & Pain AoS Battlebox Sets

Shadow and Pain BoxsetThis new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction, along with some new cavalry models for the latter.

shadow and pain

As well as loads of lovely models, the box includes rules and lore for everything inside, making it a perfect way to start exploring both the Daughters of Khaine and the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The story of Shadow and Pain is also a prequel to the next big event to hit the Mortal Realms. Gods will rise, the aelves will march, and the realms will break…

Lord of painThe invading forces are commanded by a Lord of Pain. This champion of Slaanesh has sampled every vice and excess the Mortal Realms have to offer and mastered the arts of agony. On the tabletop, this translates to him channelling the pain he receives in combat, sharing it with those who inflicted it, then striking them down with his wicked soulpiercer mace.

Melusai IronscaleLeading the Daughters of Khaine is a Melusai Ironscale. Crafted from the most vengeful souls among all the aelves, this elite war leader is resistant to hostile magics and can channel Morathi’s might to turn foes into immobile – but fully conscious – crystal statues. In your games, that means enemies need to beware mortal wounds.

What to Expect in the New Book

AoS Broken Realms MorathiExclusive rules for each faction (well 5 to start but this is just the first book)! We already know about some of the new minis, but there’s also a chance every faction gets at least something. Let’s dive into what each faction is going to get and what they have teased so far.

Morathi book

Daughters of Khaine

Daughters of KhaineTwo versions of Morathi just means double the fun! The addition of the Zainthar Kai Temple should also be really fun.


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Cities of Sigmar

Cities of SigmarTwo new cities are going to be added along with Drusa Kraeth, not too bad. We’ll just have to wait and see just how impactful this could be.

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast EternalsFive new warscroll battalions and three allegiance abilities are on deck for the Stormcast Eternals. Could be a serious boost to the army!

Slaves to Darkness

Slaves to DarknessWhile they’re not getting quite as many rules as the Stormcast, still, getting any new rules is always a plus!

Idoneth Deepkin

Idoneth DeepkinThe Deepkin are getting a decent host of new rules, including new mount traits and 4 warscrolls.

Overall it looks like this book could make some seriously big changes to the game and narrative! If you’ve gotten tired of all the Sons of Behemat coverage, now you have something new to sink your teeth into!

What do you think about all the new rules coming? Is your faction included in the first book?

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