Can’t Wait for GW? Play Adeptus Titanicus Now for FREE!


If you cant wait for the new supplement to be released from GW, there is a way to play Adeptus Titanicus with your Titan models right now!

What has more firepower than a Space Marine but is the same size as a Dreadknight? Well I think we all know, MINI TITANS!

Tiny-Warlord adeptus titanicus warlord titan

But seriously if your itching like Tyrone Biggums for the new Titanicus release, and want to play pew pew lazers right now there is another way:

Adeptus Titanicus was a HUGE fan favorite back in the day, and now every year at Adepticon they run a 28mm scale version of the game as well that you can use the rules for right now!



Want to battle your Forge World Titans against each other? Well now you can!

Adepticon’s Adeptus Titanicus Rules

adeptus titanicus warlord

adeptus titanicus

adeptus titanicus (2)

Pictures courtesy of A.P. Herbert

And just to get your rumor fill for the day:

BoLS is reporting the following:

  • Adeptus Titanicus will return this year, before the 2016 holidays.
  • The game will appear in a hardcover format.
  • The rules will be based upon the original 1988 game’s ruleset.
  • It is being modernized for enhanced playability and fun. Remember that the original had fairly complex rules and did not scale up well past a handful of titans.
  • The game will initially focus on titans only.

And here’s the word straight from the source. Good Guy Recalcitrant Daze  on the floor at Warhammer Fest back in May:

titanicus logo

Adeptus Titanicus.

However talking to Andy Hoare, Mark Bedford and Chris Drew I can mention the following:

The game is set during the Horus Heresy in the spirit of the original Adeptus Titanicus.
It will begin with just Titans.
The scale will be 8mm – They decided on this scale after 3D printing a Marine, Dread, Leman Russ, Warlord and a Mastodon in three different scales. 8mm was deemed the best as you could see the details to the point of telling different armour marks apart but didn’t make the Titans too big.
8mm will make a Warlord around 6″ tall (that’s what it looked like why Andy Hoare put his hands apart, don’t blame me if the final model is smaller or larger…).
The models will be produced in resin by Forge World.
Typical force may be in the region of two Warlords, two Reavers and two-three Warhounds.
More Titan variants are possible.
Down the road infantry and tanks are to be introduced.
Other forces are also possible, this includes Xenos which can be introduced in a themed expansion, e.g. Adeptus Titanicus: Armageddon to bring in the Orks.
Currently the Titans are being 3D modelled by Chris Drew, the Warlord has been done as the 40k version was originally 3D modelled so it was a case of just scaling things down and getting it to work as a model which can be manufactured.

We may, may, get to see something at the Forge World Open Day…(may, depending on Tony Cottrell)

That little guy? Don’t worry about that little guy…

knight-hor-new free

Get a FREE Knight Titan! Ends Soon!