Champions of Sona 75mm Scale Kickstarter Coming Soon!

champions of sonaSquidmar’s new Champions of Sona 75mm Scale Kickstarter is coming soon- check out what you can score with the project!

This is a really cool project with some large models that make for perfect painting and hobby projects! Plus, you know if Squidmar is the main curator of the project, it’s going to be high-quality.

We’ll take a look at everything on the way, but also some amazingly painted figures so you can get hyped up for your own painting projects!

Champions of Sona

Champions of Sona 75mm Scale Kickstarter Coming Soon!

Champions of Sona 3Every figure in this project is just so cool and full of detail! Plus, we’ve heard that the owl is like 2x the size of a Mawcrusher, so there is plenty to hobby on. 

Champions of Sona 2Let’s hear a little more from them about the project:

The Champions of Sona kickstarter is the first of hopefully many Squidmar Miniatures 75mm releases. Consisting of the first 9 champions from the freshly created fantasy universe Sona. All miniatures are in the so called 75mm scale, meaning that the figures are about 75mm from foot to eye. Every miniature is created for and by Squidmar miniatures, designed by some of the worlds best concept artists and sculptors. Each miniature is incredibly detailed, imaginatively designed, and bursting with character – sculpted by such renowned artists as Joaquin Palacios, Victor Aguilar and Leonardo Escobar Quintero and cast by some of the finest boutique casting services – Mindwork Games and Terrible Kids Stuff.

Click Here to Support the Project!

Champions of Sona 4

Not only do you get a miniature, but every character comes with a scenic base and the largest miniature is 35 cm tall. The retail cost of these never-before seen miniatures will range from 55€ to 180€, but all will be exclusively available at a lower cost through this Kickstarter, or even cheaper when purchased in a bundle! And everyone that orders 3 or more miniatures will receive a free booklet containing a Short story, artworks and biographies of all the characters.

Painted Figures:

Champions of Sona 8


Champions of Sona 7Seeing these painted is just so sweet! Plus, it looks like this won’t be the only project from Squidmar like this:

Champions of Sona 6


Champions of Sona 5

A new chapter…

This release marks a new chapter for Squidmar Miniatures. We have over the past two years created a new fantasy world together with some of our personal idols.  With the help of New York Times best seller Richard A. Knaak, legendary and super talanted sculptors as Joaquin Palacios, Victor Aguilar, Daniel Fernandez, Alex Munoz, Thorbjörn Barone and James Cain and illustrators like Blochsanchez, Danny Cruz, Adrán Prado, Orniris, Damjan Giorgjevski, Daniel Rosa Tauroni to mention a few we’ve finally made the first of what we hope to be a string of inspiring along side exciting releases in the fantasy, gaming and miniature scene.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to support and score exactly what models you want! Plus, there are going to be some great add-ons, so even more fun.

Click Here to Support the Project!