Channel Fireball & Premier Card Grading Partner Up

channel fireball gradingIf you want your gaming cards graded, Channel Fireball and Premier Card Grading have teamed up to get your cards the grading they deserve!

We’ve all heard the horror stories about a card sitting unloved for ages until the quality is so bad it’s not worth much anymore. Get your cards graded now and know the value. This is a pretty cool idea and it’s really not too expensive if you have some rare cards. Obviously, if you do this with every card in your arsenal the price will add up.

They are a third-party grader, so if you’re looking to sell your cards, having them graded always helps the price. Especially if you have cards laying around and you’re not really sure what they are worth. This could be totally worthwhile. Let’s take a look at how it works.

Channel Fireball & Premier Card Grading Partner Up

Premier Card Grading 2The pricing is pretty simple and really not too expensive when you consider how much the cards can be worth. The other upside is you know how much you’re paying there are no hidden fees or upcharges.  Let’s hear what they have to say about it all:

Premier Card Grading (PCG) is a third-party authenticator defined on having a modern and consistent service for all TCGs within our scope. We are made up of a range of different collectors. All trained towards the same goal in producing a high-quality turnover of cards. Below is our mission and vision to support our growth in becoming the best grading company in the world.

Premier Card GradingObviously, you want the pristine score, but we like how they break everything down and it’s super easy to read. Just remember, the score you get is on you! If you keep your cards nice, they will most likey get a good score. If you don’t well, it may not be worth grading after all!

Do you have cards that need grading? 

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