Chaos Alternatives from Wargame Exclusive: Unboxing

Chaos Alternatives Feature rWargame Exclusive has a ton of great Chaos alternatives! Check out our unboxing & build of some of our favorites.

Wargame Exclusive has been pretty popular for a while now with lots of hobby stores offering their Grim Skull models. Their kits are insanely detailed and look great on the tabletop! They are also great painting challenges if you are up to the task. Let’s get into it!

Get Your Chaos Alternatives Here!

Chaos Alternatives from Wargame Exclusive: Unboxing

Wargame Exclusive siteWe’ll be taking a look at four of the minis, but they have so much more for Chaos on the site! If you need some sweet alternatives, they are definitely worth checking out. They are also fairly affordable when you’re looking at a leader for your Chaos forces, a little cheaper than the GW ones. Especially when you consider these are boutique resin minis.


Chaos alternative packagingWhen you order these, they come in little blisters like this. They also have UPC’s on them so you can stock these as well if you have a store. Speaking of stores they offer retail discounts too, so if you are a shop owner, hit them up if you are looking to carry their models in your store.

Chaos alternative packaging 2Generally, this is how they come once out of the packaging. With a base, the bits in their own bag, and the main body.

Deep Noise Disseminator

Chaos alternative bitsAs you can see, the bits are full of detail and just look great. Everything locks together easily and goes together without issue.

Deep Noise Marine


Deep Noise Marine 2There is a lot going on with this mini and it looks amazing! Every inch of it is covered in crazy detail and it just makes such a cool leader for your forces.

Noise Screamer

Noise ScreamerThis might be one of the most grimdark minis ever made! The bits look incredible and he’s basically playing an instrument that is coming through a captured Sister.

Noise Screamer 2


Noise Screamer 3What is there to say about this other than it’s insane. If you want one of the wildest minis to lead your army, this might just be it. But if the lady on there is too much for you could easily convert something else on there or just take it off altogether.

Corsair Lord

Chaos Corsair LordThis is a “not Huron” model and even the daemon cat looks great.

Chaos Corsair Lord 2


Chaos Corsair Lord 3When it’s all put together it really stands out as a centerpiece for your army. It would make a really fun painting challenge even if you don’t play Chaos.

Thunderhammer Smash Lord

Smash LordSomehow, this might be the most detailed of all the minis yet! If you need a mini to stand out, this is it. Even the base is amazing.

Smash Lord 2


Smash Lord 3They made sure to give this guy plenty of skulls and tiny details everywhere. Just an awesome mini.

Smash Lord 4They also give you a set of wings as well, so if you don’t want the backpack, you can just glue this on instead. Or, if you’re running two, you can make them look different,

Chaos alternative minisIf you’re looking for Chaos alternatives, this is the place to go.  Be sure to check out the video for Rob’s full breakdown and thoughts on the model!

Get Your Wargame Exclusive Models Here!

What do you think of this Wargame Exclusive Chaos alternative? Have you picked any of their minis up yet?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!