Charadon Act II & Be’lakor Re-release: FIRST LOOK

The War Zone Charadon Act II new release and Be’lakor’s re-release are here – check out the full lineup and details!

Tons of new releases are here from Games Workshop including Be’lakor, His 40k rules inside Warzone Charadon Act II, and even some other rules. Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of this stuff!

These will go on pre-order on GW’s webestore around 1pm Eastern time for North American customers, but you can always lock them in with your local retailer as well.

White Dwarf 466

White Dwarf Issue 466


9th warhammer 40k banner

War Zone Charadon – Act II: The Book of Fire 


Crusade Mission Pack: Amidst the Ashes 

Be’lakor, the Dark Master

Yes, that’s right! GW has confirmed to retailers that Be’lakor is re-releasing and orderable as a “new release” this week,  so if you still need one to lead you legions of renegades- now is your chance!

New Be'lakor 40k


belakor sprue 1


belakor sprue 2

BLood Bowl bannerFrank ‘n’ Stein (Forge World)


bb frank n stein details

Are you excited for the Be’lakor re-releasing this week?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  

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