There are only a few days left to score this massive deal on Dungeon Crawl Classics; get $1,047 worth of adventures for just $25 dollars!
For those of you who don’t know, Humble Bundle is a company that pairs up with developers and charities to sell games, software, and other digital content to help offer great prices to customers in addition to funding good causes.
This latest Humble Bundle is set to help massively expand your digital library of official Dungeon Crawl Classics! On that note, at the time of writing this, there are about six days left before it ends!
Based on the revised 3.5 edition of Dungeons & Dragons, you have a week left to get your heaping serving of epic game experiences!
Massive Collection of Dungeon Crawl Classics Dirt Cheap on Humble Bundle!
Ages of role-playing adventure
Get ready to put your players through the meat grinder with this gargantuan collection of modules and supplements for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG system from Goodman Games! This bundle includes 70+ DCC books, ranging from essential modules like Idylls of the Rat King, The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho, and The Mysterious Tower, to mammoth supplements like Castle Whiterock, a veritable campaign-in-a-virtual-box. Pay what you want for enough material to keep your campaign going for ages—valued at over $1,000—and support World Central Kitchen with your purchase!
Now, let’s check out the contents of the current 75-item bundle that can net you a total of $1,047 for $25.
Pay Just $1
Only $1 will get you access to a couple of the basics, including The Feast of the Gobbler Witch!
Pay $15+
Once you get at least $15, there’s a 12-pack bundle to buff your 3.5 adventure collection.
Pay $25+
This final tier is where you’re snagging the most value, picking up a whopping 75 different titles. This level clocks in at $1,047 in value when you donate $25 or more!
Click Here to Get The Dungeon Crawl Classics Bundle Cheap
If the Humble Bundle isn’t your thing, Audible Premium Plus gives you free Black Library books with your monthly sub.
Click Here To Get Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!
How much do you like this insanely cheap Humble Bundle for Pathfinder Tales ebooks?
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