Christmas Orks Goff Rocker Miniature: REVIEW

By Andrew Schrank | November 28th, 2022 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Goff Rocker Unboxing featureDon’t miss our unboxing and review of the Orks Goff Rocker Christmas miniature, and check out how it looks in plastic!

Rob is back unboxing the newest Ork mini just in time for Christmas! He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show the model size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Christmas Orks Miniature Goff Rocker: REVIEW

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Bazooka Games | Dicehead Games | Frontline Gaming

Goff Rocker UnboxingThis is the mini we’ll be taking a look at today, it runs for $35 from Games Workshop, and in GW money, it’s not terrible. Still, it is a lot of cash for the amount of plastic, but that’s a story for another day.

Let’s get into the review of the Goff Rocker!

Goff Rocker Unboxing 2The model comes in one of these little plastic inserts, and you get the instructions, just like most recent character releases. The only thing a little odd is that in the past, they usually give you the rules for either what they would count as or special rules.

This guy doesn’t have either.


Goff Rocker Unboxing 3He has the hollow inside, and the Squig himself is four pieces. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the guitar is its own bit, so if you want to use the piece for something else, you’ll have to do some cutting.

Ork Goff Rocker Sprue

Goff rockerThe bits themselves are very detailed, but again, not a ton going on as this is the only sprue.

Goff Rocker Unboxing 5The guitar is also super detailed, but he only has five strings, so maybe he’s playing a 5-string bass with a low b!

Built Mini

Goff Rocker Unboxing 6Just be a little bit careful when building him because the microphone slid down a little closer to his face. That sort of makes him look like he’s eating it, so just be sure to hold it in place long enough for it to almost fully dry.

Goff Rocker Unboxing 7Other than that, it builds pretty easily and looks great!

Goff Rocker Unboxing 8Actually, how the hand with the guitar fits on, you could attach it to any Ork arm!

Goff Rocker Unboxing 9It’s a little bit bigger than the Primaris, so he should stand out on the tabletop or shelf!

It’s just a fun little model, and if you love holiday miniatures, this one may be for you.

Click Here to Get Your Ork Mini Goff Rocker!

What do you think of this review of the new Ork Goff Rocker? Will you be getting one? 

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