Clutch City GT: Top 40k Army Lists Were Surprising…

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horThe Clutch City GT happened over the weekend with some pretty sweet Warhammer 40k army lists taking the top spots!

The tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies.

Clutch City GT: Top 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. You can also check out the details for the event here.

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below. This was the placings before the finals, however, with Robert Moreland’s Custodes coming out best overall at the end of the weekend.

But we wanted to take a look at the placings before the cut to the top 8 below, which seemed more interesting with Tyranids and Chaos towards the top!

clutch city gt top 8

3rd Place: Nathaniel Bjorge – Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor






2nd Place: Georg Bobkov – Chaos



Georg Bobkov 1


Georg Bobkov 2


Georg Bobkov 3


1st Place: Kit Smith Hanna – Tyranids



Kit Smith Hanna 1

Hanna’s Tyranid list is a two patrol Tyranids set up with the first led by a Neurothrope and Swarmlord. The Neurothrope is a cheap Psyker for some easy support and the Swarmlord is a beast in melee and allows a unit within 6 to double move instead of shoot every turn.

Troops bring in 3 melee kit Warriors for some decent bodies that aren’t too expensive.

While Heavy Support closes the first detachment with a big ole Hierodule and a Tyrannofex. The Hierodule is a pretty big body with great melee and shooting but also can explode on a 6 after dying for a full 3 mortals to units within 3 inches. The Tyrannofex has the same explosion rule and also has some great shooting thanks to its weapons and ability to shoot twice each combat.

Kit Smith Hanna 2

The second patrol is led by a flying tyrant which is a great melee threat with the bonus of great mobility thanks to those wings.

Troops bring in 3 more warriors, nothing too crazy. While Elites bring in a Haruspex and Maleceptor. The Haruspex is a pretty good melee monster with the ability to do some minor shot range shots and healing thanks to its unique rules. The Maleceptor on the other hand is a psyker with great durability and melee, but can also decide to forgo manifesting a power and instead dish out mortals in a circle around it to each unit nearby.

Kit Smith Hanna 3

Fast Attacks bring in a Dimachaeron, who is one more fantastic melee model that also happens to pump out mortal wounds to low-strength units.

Heavy Support brings in an Exocrine, a great model for taking out marines thanks to its 2 damage shots and melee swipes.

Finally, there is a Harpy in for Flyers, which is a source of decent mobility that can zip around the map and pick off smaller squads and lone models for the most part with ease.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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