Comparing the Warcry Catacombs Box to the Starter

warcry-is-this-worth-itWarcry Catacombs has a price tag of $210 and only 17 minis- let’s see how it stacks up to the original starter box set in value.

When you look at everything in the box laid out, it does look like a ton of stuff but it is only 16 minis in there. While the game is centered around a skirmish-style, so you need fewer minis, still, that’s $40 dollars more than the last release. Are all the new extras enough to make it worth the extra $40? Let’s take a closer look at Warcry Catacombs and compare what comes in the sets to see the value of each.

The 2019 Box: $170 (going for more now on the secondary market)

WarcryIt was barely over a year ago since this one came out and in just a year the price has jumped by about 23%. There does look to be some more terrain and a few extras, like markers and rulers, in the new set but not a ton. Buying just the warbands and the beasts of this box would run you about $145. So that means the terrain, rules, etc.. were basically free at only $25 more. Here’s everything in the old set:

  • A softcover rulebook $40
  • two warbands (17 minis) $100
  • Chaos Beasts (12 minis) $45
  • A fold-out game board
  • a table full of terrain (7 sprues) last two terrain expansions were $60 ea for 2 sprues
  • and all the cards, dice, and tokens need for two players to battle to the death.

So right off the bat, you got all the extra beasts and bigger styled terrain. Basically almost double the number of minis, even though some are just beasts, it’s way more models. If you want to see this box more in-depth, check out Rob’s unboxing of it. Let’s see what the new box has, then we’ll compare them.

2020 New Warcry Box: $210

Warcry new boxSo what’s new? Obviously different minis, a companion rulebook, a different mat, and some more terrain. While the new minis are great looking, there are far fewer of them. If you bought the warbands one by one, they would run you $100. That means the other parts of this kit are making up for the extra $110. Here’s everything in the box:

  • A softcover core rulebook $40
  • Catacombs book $35 (based of expansions MSRP)
  • two warbands (17 minis) $100
  • A fold-out double-sided game board
  • a table full of terrain (37 Pieces- 7 sprues?) last two terrain expansions were $60 ea for 2 sprues
  • All the cards, dice, and tokens need for two players to battle to the death.

How do they Stack up?

Warcry new box terrainAll the terrain in the new set. You can see some reused pieces in this box as it looks like you get three of the 2019 building sprues and two of the obstacle sprues in this set. That leaves two sprue slots open for this new box, which from the looks of it will be two of the same with the doors and bridge.

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warcry warbandThe Scions of Flame Warband above and the Khainite Shadowstalkes below, the only minis in the new set.

warcry warband 2In the original set, you got all the extra beasts, so even though it’s not a different war band, it’s more plastic! If you look at the chaotic beasts set, that is $45 by itself. So in a way, they took out $45 worth of value right out of the box. So strike one right there, not to mention it’s $40 more, almost an $85 swing with just those two factors.

They are pushing the terrain in the new set as something that sets it apart. But, the new box comes with a bunch of pieces from the old set with a load of doors and little pieces thrown in on top. If you bought the set last year, you’ll only be getting about 12 pieces of new terrain which look to just be a duplicated sprue from this layout.

A single war band is $50 dollars, so if you say two are $100, then that means the terrain, mats, and rules have to make up for the remaining $110. The cards are $10 apiece and the rules are about $75 combined (expansion plus rules). That means, in essence, you get everything remaining for $30, actually not too bad.

Just when compared to last year’s release, this feels a little lackluster. With a higher price tag, less number of minis, and some repackaged terrain Warcry Catacombs just doesn’t jump out as great value. It’s not a bad value, however, and if you think the terrain and extras are worth it, why not go for it?

What do you think about the value of this box? Will you be picking this up?

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