Gotta Catch Them All: New Infinity Aftermath & PanOceania Units

infinity Aftermath Characters PackCorvus Belli is at it again, dropping two new expansion packs: the Infinity Aftermath pack alongside the PanOceania Armored Cavalry.

With the new Infinity edition in full swing, it’s time to add some new units to your forces! Word on the street is the game is easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time!

These new releases give you a unique way to add more minis to your forces, and while they aren’t here quite yet, they are right around the corner!

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack: €59.95

Infinity Aftermath Pack

The Human Sphere is always unpredictable, and when greed and vengeance drove young hacker Uhahu and Caledonian fighter Denma Connolly to rig a game of Aristeia! and run away with the proceeds, little did they know that they both and their Zellenkrieger comrades would end up embroiled in an international conspiracy.

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 1

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 2

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 3

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 4

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 5


This box includes 5 miniatures: Denma Connolly, Caledonian Zellenkrieger; Ishinomori, Exreme Zellenkrieger (Injected Thermoplastic); K1llj0y, Zellenkrieger; Raiza the Whispering Death, Zellenkrieger and Uhahu, Hacker for Hire. The protagonists of Infinity’s graphic novel, Aftermath ready to boost the punch of your army lists.

Reinf. Squalos Mk-II, PanOceanian Armored Cavalry: €36.95

Reinf. Squalos Mk-II, PanOceanian Armored Cavalry

Heavy Lancers regiments are hyper-sophisticated units, the epitome of PanOceania’s technological superiority. As they are used to working as a team and supporting each other in perfect synchronicity, these troops have proven to be both formidable and terrifying in combat. All Squalos bear an inscription with the motto of the armored corps: Ultima Ratio PanOceaniae, “The final argument of PanOceania,” for the Armored Cavalry is PanOceania’s finest instrument of persuasion.

Reinf. Squalos Mk-II, PanOceanian Armored Cavalry 2

This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature: a Squalo Mk-II with Spitfire. An amazing TAG to expand your PanOceania collection and your Reinforcements: PanOceania Pack Alpha.

Click Here to Get Your New Infinity Miniatures!