Warzone Fenris II is definitely happening as Games Workshop teased us with a great piece of art today for the return of Space Wolves and the Wulfen!
Gw just dropped this little teaser on their Facebook page this morning:
Thanks for the likes everyone! As a reward, you get an early glimpse at this phenomenal piece of artwork from part II in the saga of War Zone: Fenris.
What’s going on there? We don’t know, but it looks awesome (unless you’re a Space Wolf. Then it looks potentially less awesome…)
Catch up on part I here: (Curse of the Wulfen Link)
So the picture seems to depict the Warfleet Fenris deploying from a yet unknown planet (possibly Fenris but no sign of the Fang) attacking space pylons that look to be made from leering avian heads and the symbol for Tzeentch. In the void the face of the wolf can be seen squaring off against that of of the serpent!
The last time we left our Space Wolf Heroes:
The Rock emerges in Fenrisian space, complete with the Tower of Angels.
That’s no craftworld, Welcome to The Rock!
The Crusade Fleet Strikes Fenris
The Citadel of Titan, Dire Portents Emerge…
Well that escalated quickly. Looks like things are getting real for the Space Wolves once again. When do YOU think well see this one hit store shelves?