Cursed City, Idoneth Deepkin, & Fyreslayers: First Look

gw-first-look1The new Blood Bowl, Idoneth Deepkin, and Fyreslayers releases are here bringing new rules and products to hobbyists this week!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, March 5th, 2022 around 1 pm EST!

Editor’s Note: This post was updated with pricing and links.

Cursed City, Idoneth Deepkin, & Fyreslayers: First Look

It looks like Cursed City will be MTO only for now, so just keep that in mind that it might take a while for it to arrive.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

battletome idoneth deepkin

This 96-page hardback book contains:

– A deluge of background information on the mysterious Idoneth Deepkin, including their arcane origins and aquatic way of life.
– Ethereal artwork that displays the majesty of the Idoneth Deepkin
– 18 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for Akhelian nobles, soul-starved Namarti Thralls, and vicious sea beasts like the Allopex or Leviadon
– Rules for the 6 primary Idoneth Enclaves, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spells, and battle traits such as Forgotten Nightmares and Tides of Death
– Path to Glory campaign rules that allow you to plunder the Mortal Realms in Idoneth soul-raids, plus 3 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
– Matched play content including 4 grand strategies and 6 battle tactics to unleash against your enemies
– A showcase of abyssal Idoneth Deepkin miniatures assembled in the colours of their Enclaves, alongside guides on how to paint them yourself

Idoneth Deepkin Dice $38 and Warscroll Cards $33

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

idoneth deepkin dice and warscroll cards

Let opponents know of your proud Akhelian descent with a pack of Idoneth Deepkin dice. These aqua-gem dice are styled after the ethersea, with white pips and an Idoneth logo on the 6. 

Additionally, these warscroll cards can help speed up the learning curve and help you learn the new rules even faster on the fly.

Battletome: Fyreslayers $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Battletome Fyreslayers

This 96-page hardback book contains:

– A treasure trove of background information on the Sons of Grimnir. Find out how and why the Fyreslayers fight with such furious rage
– Incendiary art that shows off the battle-fury of the Fyresayers in all its glory
– 21 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for every warrior of the Lodges, from fearless Berzerkers and mighty Magmadroths to the new Auric Flamekeeper
– Rules for 4 different Fyreslayer Lodges, plus command traits, artefacts of power, prayers, and battle traits like Grimwrath Oaths and Ur-gold Runes
– Path to Glory rules that allow you to take on Fyreslayer mercenary contracts to earn gold and reputation, plus 3 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
– Matched play content including 4 grand strategies and 6 battle tactics to unleash against your enemies
– A showcase of glorious Fyreslayer miniatures assembled in the colours of the various Lodges, with guides on how to paint them yourself

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth: $95

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth

Magmadroths are the scaly offspring of Vulcatrix, Mother of Salamanders. Grimnir slew that terrifying god-beast at the cost of his own life, so it’s fitting these volcanic monsters are now born and bred to fight alongside the Fyreslayers. 

This is an older model but previously was only available in the start collection box. This new offering is the individual release of this sweet kit! It’s even better because you can take these giant lizards as battleline in one of the sub-factions.

Fyreslayer Dice $38 and Warscroll Cards $33

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Fyreslayer Dice and Warscroll Cards

Hollering a duardin battle cry isn’t the only way you can show your allegiance to the Fyreslayers in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You can also opt to represent yourself with these fiery orange dice – no less attention-grabbing, but perhaps a bit easier on the ears.

Additionally, these warscroll cards can help speed up the learning curve and help you learn the new rules even faster on the fly.

MTO Cursed City Box $199 (GW Exclusive)

cursed city box art


cursed city contents

This set includes:

60x Plastic, push-fit, Citadel miniatures, including:
– 8x Hero models: Emelda Braskov, Jelsen Darrock, Dagnai Holdenstock, Qulathis the Exile, Glaurio ven Alten III, Octren Glimscry, Cleona Zeitengale, and Brutogg Corpse-Eater
– 42x Hostile models: Radukar the Wolf, Torgillius the Chamberlain, Watch Captain Halgrim, Gorslav the Gravekeeper, Vargskyr, 3x Vyrkos Blood-born, 2x Kosargi Nightguard, 10x Deadwalker Zombies, 10x Ulfenwatch, 6x Corpse Rats, and 6x Bat Swarms.
– 10x Mysterious Objects: 2x Gnawbone Strays, 2x Diregoyles, 2x Gravestones, 2x Crows, and 2x Gibbets.

– 1x 40-page Rulebook
– 1x 56-page Quest book
– 1x 16-page Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warscrolls booklet

Gaming Content
The box contains everything you need to set up and play a game of Cursed City including:
–138x cards
– 1x Ulfenkarn in Peril secret envelope
– 180x tokens, counters, and markers
– 20x Game Board Tiles
– 1x Drop Zone Tile
– 1x Extraction Zone Tile
– 1x Skyvessel Board
– 28 dice

Every order placed within this timeframe will be fulfilled, and the game will cost the same as it did on its first launch day.  Don’t think you’ll be able to grab a copy this March? There’s no need to worry – Cursed City will be receiving a full relaunch later this year, along with some juicy new expansions. 

While this wasn’t inside the next week’s teaser post, Games Workshop did say in the video that this box was coming back as MTO, and as a whole release with expansions soon!

So prepare to pick it up if you missed out on it before, or you can wait for fore the re-re-release later in the year!

BLood Bowl banner

Wood Elf Team Pitch $50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Wood Elf blood bowl team accessories

One side of this pitch is vibrant and green, representing the power of nature, with a Wood Elf symbol in full bloom at the centre. On the other side you’ll find the calming autumn hues of the waning forest, lit by woodland spirits that sing soothing songs to heal wounded players.

You’ll also find a pair of matching double-sided dugouts to complete the theme. Redesigned for the latest edition of the game, each dugout features score, turn, and re-roll trackers, plus Reserves, Knocked-out, and Casualty boxes.

Rules for using each side of the pitch in your games of Blood Bowl are included.

Wood Elf Dice $18 and Card Pack $30

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Wood Elf dice and team card pack

The Wood Elf Team Card Pack will help you blossom on the pitch with reference cards for the team’s Players, Star Players, Special Plays, and more. Throw in a set of themed dice, and you’ll have Orion himself cheering at you from the stands – and staring up at your opponent each time you roll a 6.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Cursed City, Idoneth Deepkin, and Fyreslayers releases? 

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