Custodes & Sisters Rules Spotted? RUMORS

By Rob Baer | October 17th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sisters of silence

Come see what some are saying the new rules will be for Custodes & Sisters of Silence in the upcoming Prospero Burns box set.

Are these the upcoming rules we’ve been promised in the October White Dwarf? Grab your salt shakers, and read on:


Source B&C’s StaggerLee 

According to a mate, these are the profiles for custodes and sisters:

ws6, bs4, s5, t5, w2, i5, a3, ld10, 2+/4++.
hatred, furious charge, rampage.

ws5, bs4, s3, t3, w1, i5, a2, ld10, 2+.
Preferred enemy (psykers), hatred (psykers)
furious charge and a pariah blade which inflicts ID on any model with the psyker special rule and otherwise is ap3.
they will have the pariah rule meaning they can never be the target of any psychic power. and all psychic powers cease to be in effect within 6″ of the unit

Now remember GW said there would be rules for the custodes in the next White Dwarf as it is printed on the cover even:

battle for prospero white dwarf

Only one week left till orders start. What’s your favorite unit out of this new set?


New Burning of Prospero Box Set

Games Workshop dropped a new video today on their Facebook page, giving us the Fenrisian side of the Prospero Burns Box Set, in teaser form.

Listen well, pup
To a saga from the age of betrayal…

Checkout these still shots:

prospero burns plastic space wolves fell handed prospero burns plastic space wolves fell handed

And the rest of the Imperial side of the box:

2016-10-16_1915 2016-10-16_1913


Here are the sprue contents of the new Prospero burns box set! Checkout these new models up close.

plastic mark III space marines horus heresy

The new core set, unboxed!

Source: Garro

plastic sisters of battle silence plastic sisters of battle silence

Whooo hooo plastic Sisters of Silence. Looks like there will be a flamer option for these ladies. Both helmeted and bare heads look to be available!

r3jnsms kbschb8 jqsrs9c

5 Tartaros Terminators look to come with 5 different torsos, a heavy flamer and Reaper Autocannon (a staple in the days of the heresy), bolt weapons as well as the combo Lightning Claw / Power Fist we saw for the Cataphractii plastics.

plastic mark III space marines horus heresy plastic mark III space marines horus heresy

The new Mark III armor sprues look to have a robust lineup of options feature a Heavy Bolter, Power Maul, and Phobos Patter Bolters

plastic custodes guard space marines horus heresy

plastic custodes guard space marines horus heresy

The Adeptus Custodes Guard look to be semi multi-part with various weapons ranging from Guardian spears to Stormshields. It also appears the headress topknots are optional, and the rear torso bits do not have backpacks. The standard bits are also clearly visible as well.


Oh my it looks like Greigor is a separate sprue, along with Ahriman, giving GW the option of selling them separately later on down the road!

Source: Spikey Bits Hobbies

new plastic custodes guard adeptus guard

We will see FIVE of these Custodian Guards in the new Prospero burns box set

First seen on Heresy Norway, it’s now on Imgur:

prospero burns contents

This is the direct mailing GW sends to it’s stores and retailers about new releases.

The contents are listed as

  • Ahirman
  • Greigor ? Fell-Fell Hand
  • 5 Tartaros Terminators
  • 30 Legion Veterans (Mk III armor)
  • 5 Custodian Guard
  • 5 Sisters of Silence
  • and various rules and game accessories

Source Warhammer TV (Facebook)

Our world may burn, but the light of knowledge will never die.

22nd October:

prospero burns contents

prospero burns contentsprospero burns contentsprospero burns contentsprospero burns contentsprospero burns contents

See what everyone is saying about the new box set below


New Burning of Prospero Box Set