Da Red Gobbo & Bounca 40k Orks: Unboxing

Red Gobbo Feature rDon’t miss our unboxing and build of Da Red Gobbo and Bounca for the Orks in 40k, and show you any Gotchas to be aware of!

We’re back unboxing the newest release for the Orks because you know this mini only means one thing, and that’s the holidays! Rob sees what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the model, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Da Red Gobbo & Bounca 40k Orks: Unboxing & Build

Get yours for less on Amazon, Dicehead Games, or eBay 

Red GobboThis was $35 and obviously a commemorative mini. You can actually get these on eBay for not a terrible price. GW will be taking orders for this until December 31st, but it is MTO. So you’ll have to wait for a little while for this miniature if you go that route.

Instructions & Sprues

Red Gobbo 2First up, it’s really cool they give you a full textured base with this, not just a small terrain piece. Overall, nothing looks too hard but the instructions are not very well done. Just be sure to follow the instructions here because the diagram is not broken down very well and you need to follow very closely because the instructions are strangely complicated.

So just be careful.

Red Gobbo 3Nothing too crazy on here and it’s not push-fit. There does seem to be decent detail over the mini, but a pretty small sprue for $35.

Assembled Mini

Red Gobbo 5


Red Gobbo 6Once you get him put together, he’s pretty adorable, to be honest. Rob put the Rudolph nose on there because it’s the holidays, and why not?

Red Gobbo 4Composition wise it works when put together, but it is strangely hard to build. There is a lot of gapping and the instructions could have been put together much more smoothly.

Overall, it is really cool, but just be sure to dry fit everything before you glue. Just not the best-constructed mini we’ve seen on here.

Red Gobbo 7He’s about the size of a Primaris, so pretty large and in charge!

Get Your Red Gobbo Here!

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