Daemonkin Conundrum #3 FREE Bloodthirsters?

By Rob Baer | May 1st, 2015 | Categories: Rules Conundrums, Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemons walpaper

Buy one get one free? Checkout this way to get FREE Bloodthirsters in your games.

In the new Daemonkin book there is piece of wargear called the Axe of Ruin. It’s a little expensive as far as wargear goes, but when the bearer of the Axe dies he turns into a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury.



At first glance, it’s not too overpowered so it seems like most players have passed on taking it for the most part.


But today there is a sale on free units, Oprah style.  Checkout this combo which may just be legal;

If you get to seven blood tithe you can select the character holding the Axe to sacrifice for Dark Apotheosis, which then triggers a Bloodthirster to appear off the Axe. Best part is that the Daemon Prince now possesses the Axe, and when and if he dies at some point in the game, another Bloodthister will appear (RAW Daemonkin Codex Pg. 118).

blood angels daemons

Sure the Bloodthirster will be a little weaker, but they still get invulnerable saves. Plus if you ally with Daemons chances are you have a Grimore of true names to help with that in the late game regardless.

Thanks to NC40k Abe for the heads up on this little trick.
