Here is the latest rumors on Dark Angles, specifically the veterans, and Dreadnoughts. We’ve been seeing a lot of leaks on these guys lately, and their rumored release is Jan 12th. So look for advanced orders to go up late next week both on Spikey and on GW’s Site.
But for now, here’s some more nom nom’s from Faeit
Veterans and Dreadnoughts. The information from both of these, comes out of the latest White Dwarf.
The question about drop pods has been finally answered, and that is a yes, as apparently they are listed under the veteran list of what is available for transports. I would assume as well that Dark Angel Tacticals will get them as well.
via jullevi over on Warseer
Company veterans (4+1 models, with up to 5 additional)
Any model: Chainsword
Up to three models: Storm bolter, Combi-weapon, Power weapon, Lightning claw, Plasma pistol, Power fist or Pair of lightning claws
Any model: Combat shield, Melta bombs, Storm shield
One in every 5 models: Flamer, Melta gun, Plasma gun
One model: Heavy bolter, Multi-melta, Missile launcher, Plasma cannon or Lascannon
Dedicated transport: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback
via Faeit 212 from a source that wants to remain anonymous
Something that was missed for veterans above and some more Dreadnought options
Can take flakk missiles
Dreadnought (elite choice)
Can take a drop pod
Can replace its multi-melta with
Twin-linked Autocannon
Twin-linked Flamer
Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
Plasma Cannon
Assualt Cannon
Can replace its other arm with
Missile Launcher
Twin-linked Autocannon
Can replace the built in storm bolter with a heavy flamer
Can be upgraded to Venerable and if does it gets the special rule,
Deathwing Vehicle