Darkest Dungeon KS is on Fire but in a Bad Way…

By Travis Pasch | July 23rd, 2022 | Categories: Board Games, Kickstarter, Warhammer 40k Rumors

darkest dungeon 4The Darkest Dungeon Kickstarter has people quite upset after funding, but now asking for more money- a lot more money…

This isn’t how you like to see any Kickstarter going, as they have told everyone that their product is in China and they will have to fork out more money to get it. While for some of the smaller pledges, it’s not a ton of cash, for the bigger pledges, they will need to spend an extra $70 to get their products!

We understand things have been going up in terms of shipping, but man, does it feel bad to pay for something, only to have them come back and ask for more money actually to get it… This sort of highlights a big drawback for Kickstarters with such long delivery times.

Darkest Dungeon KS is on Fire but in a Bad Way…

darkest dungeon 2Here is what they have to say about the situation and why they are asking for more money:


When we ended the Kickstarter campaign on November 6, 2020, the situation was nothing like it is today. COVID and then the war in Ukraine, led to a significant increase in costs not only of manufacturing but also, and especially, of shipping and delivery: The shipping costs have increased by an average of 600%. The costs of raw materials (paper, cardboard, plastic) have increased by at least 30%.

Today, the shipping costs to get these games to you are $3.1M, which is $1.4M more than the $1.7 million paid by backers. On top of that, there was an additional $350,000 in manufacturing costs due to the increase in oil and raw materials. That’s a total of $1.75 million in additional costs to be paid.

We understand things change, and that much of a difference in shipping is insane; it just feels so bad as a backer to have to spend more money to get something you paid for already over a year ago. However, when you look at the shipping costs, they can’t afford to lose as much money as they would just go under.

What Choice do You Have in the Matter?

darkest dungeon 3

So you have the following choice:

1 – Pay your contribution by August 1st, and this contribution guarantees that your game will be on our first containers that leave the port in mid-August. To avoid soliciting those backers that have ENGLISH products ordered in Wave 2 a second time and requesting a second contribution for another small amount, we will be asking those backers to make their contribution for their Wave 2 content at the same time as the Wave 1 content.

2 – You prefer to wait, in which case your games will be stored in our factory and will be added to containers as payments are made.

Well, from the looks of it, none, actually. Either you pay the additional shipping, or your game sits in China. This isn’t really a call for help, more just a, hey, you have to do this if you want your products…

How Much it Will Cost Backers:

One other thing to note, they are just shipping wave one now, so while wave two is included in the price, there is no promise as to what will change if prices continue to increase because they don’t have a promise on when wave two will be shipped.

Either way, you look at it, if you went for the big pledge, $70 is a lot of money to get something you already paid for!

Did you back this project, and how do you feel about ‘Kickstarters’ in general? 

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