Death from Above – Raven Guard Coming This Summer?

By Rob Baer | March 29th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


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Well this looks spicy, two 40k opposites are set to square off in the next campaign box.

There are supposed to be 2 boxed sets/campaigns for 40K this year. Here’s the latest on them:

via Lords of War (facebook) 3-28-2015

Regarding the Space Marine vs Tau boxed set: (see below)

– Raven guard vs Tau and should be out before Tau release.

via Steve the Warboss 3-26-2015

Two boxed sets coming this year:

-Dark Angels vs. Chaos Marines (July)
-Space Marines vs. Tau Empire (October)

via Steve the Warboss 3-20-2015

– New boxed set for Warhammer 40,000
– Released autumn 2015
– Space Marines vs Tau

Now if you remember just this week, Lords of War Gaming reported that Tau Empire were one of the upcoming codices getting updated alongside Space Marines.

So it is looking like we have Steve the Warboss and Lords of War both adding detail to the same general trend of product news.  Also, the Raven Guard could use some more love!

40K Autumn Boxed Set Roundup

~What do you think the Raven Guard could use to flesh them out on the tabletop more?