Destruction Teasers From 2017 General’s Handbook

By James Rodriguez | August 11th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Ironjawz, Warhammer 40k Rumors

orruk ironjaws horzGames Workshop just gave us a preview of Destruction in the new General’s Handbook. Come find out what they had to say about the Ironjawz and Ogors. 

The new General’s Handbook will be out later this year and Games Workshop is doing a great job at getting us all excited. Today they’re giving us a closer look at the Destruction faction. Let’s see what Games Workshop had to say about them.

In the General’s Handbook 2017, Destruction armies are fast, fun, and always looking for battle, benefitting from new allegiance abilities and an allies system that rewards every army with a much wider selection of units. Whether you’re a fan of Orruks, Grots or Ogors, or want to combine all three, you’ve got a lot to look forward to.

Ironjawz armies get a lot of great stuff in the new General’s Handbook. Firstly, these chosen warriors of Gorkamorka now have a set of their own awesome allegiance abilities! Smashing and Bashing means that a well-positioned Ironjawz army can devastate enemy lines in a cascade of attacks.

AoSGenHandbook Destruction

Smashing and Bashing is going to be a great allegiance ability for the Ironjawz. If an Ironjawz unit completely destroys an enemy unit in the combat phase, the nearest Ironjawz unit that hasn’t attacked yet can then pile in and attack instead of waiting to make their attacks later. This will be a great way to overwhelm your enemy and kill a lot of enemies fast.

The Ironjawz command traits are similarly devastating, and our favourite is Brutish Cunning. Ironjawz armies (and players) are rarely patient, and getting to charge in the enemy’s phase can lay even the most carefully made plans to waste.

AoSGenHandbook Destruction

Brutish Cunning is showing just how fast the Orruks are. At the start of the enemy charge phase you’ll roll a dice, on a 5+ one Ironjawz unit within 6″ of the general can charge as if it were their own charge phase. This take place before any enemy charges.

There are also two more massive Warscroll Battalions for Ironjawz armies. One of these represents the cunning Ironsunz, granting them much-needed cover against missile weapons in the first turn and a running start for your Warboss’ Strength From Victories ability:

AoSGenHandbook Destruction

Dakkbad’s Cunning is subtracting 1 from the hit rolls of attacks made by enemy units in the first battle round on a 3+. This roll takes place after both sides have set up, but before the first battle round starts.

Dakkbad’s Bashing is an ability that makes it so Dakkbad Grotkicker counts as having slain an enemy Hero before the battle starts, and with the weapon of your choice. Nothing like starting the game off with a boost to whatever weapon you want for this ability.

If you prefer Ogors to Greenskinz, Ogor armies are more versatile than ever. Firstly, Beastclaw Raiders, Firebellies, Maneaters and Gutbusters can all ally with one another, allowing you to field your favourite models while keeping powerful ‘Battleline-if’* models like Leadbelchers and Mournfang Calvalry. The Ogor Butcher is a great addition to the Beastclaw raiders, who previously lacked any Wizards of their own. Not only will this guy be able to provide a much needed source of Mystic Shield and magic defense, but his Great Cauldron triggers on any Ogor units – imagine how powerful a well-timed Spinemaw would be providing +1 to hit for a Frostlord on Thundertusk!

AoSGenHandbook Destruction

Thanks to allies, loads of units from the Destruction Grand Alliance can now find a place in your armies. Aleguzzler Gargants now cost fewer points and can be added to any Destruction army looking for a hard-hitting Behemoth capable of dealing buckets of wounds, or at the very least, causing some damage when it inevitably falls over. In a 2000 point army, you’ll be able to get two of these into your allies slot.

Last, but definitely not least, we have to talk about the Moonclan Grots. These guys were the surprise stars of the latest heats of the Grand Tournament, with an army of Squigs crushing opposition at every turn. We’re very pleased to say that if you want an army of Squigs, the new General’s Handbook makes that easier than ever. Both Cave Squigs and Squig Hoppers are now Battleline-if units – throw in a Grot Warboss on Great Cave Squig and you’ll have a brutal, fun and effective army that’ll be sure to catch your opponents off guard. Even if you don’t play Moonclan, you’ll want to use the allies system to add some deadly Squigs to your Ironjawz, Greenskinz, Spiderfang Grots, Bonesplitterz and Gitmob Grots.

AoSGenHandbook Destruction

All in all it’s looking like Destruction is getting some much need rules updates. Their speed just got faster, attacks harder, and the enemies more skeptic of getting in close than ever before.

What do you think about the latest Destruction Teaser? Do you play Ironjawz or Ogors? What rules are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below.

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