A ton of hobbyists are reporting today that Forge World just raised prices on a ton of Astartes models, perhaps to compensate for a loss in sales to the new plastics?
Hobbyists have noted that some Astartes infantry have gone up £1, and a smattering of smaller vehicles increased from £3 to £5.
Some specific price increases we have been able to verify are;
- Fellblade was £155, now £170
- Spartan was £101 now £105
- Sicaran was £72 now£ 76
- Primarchs £57 to £60
It’s a very ominous timing for a price increase supposedly only affecting Astartes models. Naturally that has led to a lot of speculation about Forge World trying to re-coup sales that “may be lost to the new plastic Horus Heresy miniatures line” by Games Workshop.
Looking at both sides of the coin here, either this increase could have been handled differently, or it’s right on time to maximize profits at a time of peak HH and holiday demand.
I would imagining the majority of the hobbyists out there trying to stretch their hobby dollars would quip that that it could have been handled differently for sure.
Plastic Horus Heresy Roundup
New X-wing and Armada releases are next month as well, sigh….
Tau Tidewall Hot or Not? – Episode 23