Ding Dong, The Purple Sun is Dead in New FAQ

new-aos-3.0-faqThis is a pretty small but very impactful FAQ, as it basically takes away tons of power from the Purple Sun in Age of Sigmar.

As we said, this pretty much just focuses on the single endless spell. However, there was also a very small Arcane Cataclysm FAQ to go along with it, so we’ll take a look at both things. This is great for anyone out there who had a 9+ wound model just abducted into the nothingness by this spell and thought, wow, that’s not fun…

Since they are pretty short, we’ll cover all of them for you, but if you want to download both of them, you can here. Let’s check them out.

Ding Dong Purple Sun is Dead in New AoS FAQ

AoS FAQSo pretty simple; it doesn’t pick up models over nine wounds now; however, on a 1, it does d6+6, so kinda nice.

It still has the opportunity to kill off a 12-wound model still just if you get insanely lucky (or unlucky, depending on what side you’re on). Lastly, the range is changed from 3″ to 1″, so potentilly killing this spell off, especially with the 20 points increase below. 

AoS FAQ 2Then, in the second part, the points get raised up to 90, so now it’s not as effective, and 90 points are pretty high for the spell. So, if you’ve been upset by this one, it’s at least pretty nerfed and a lot more expensive.


Next, for Arcane Cataclysm, some small keyword additions. Basically, all Tzaangors from it gain the Beasts of Chaos and Brayherd keywords.

If you want to download the FAQs, you can here!

Are you happy to see this spell nerfed? Was it one of your main spells? 

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