Divining the GW New Release Schedule?

By Rob Baer | January 22nd, 2013 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

So it’s pretty obvious that we all got taken by surprise with the Warriors of Chaos leak.  So where does that leave us now? Well your guess is as good as mine.

I’m still hearing that Warhammer Fantasy is tanking, and that GW is scrambling to compensate. Which could mean more 40k yummies this year than normal!  🙂

Here’s where we’re at according to Faeit

Most of us were caught surprised that Warriors of Chaos were released. We probably should not have been, but the rumor mill was behind the game on the release when it came to the release of the army book. On this end, I tend to receive a lot less info regarding fantasy than 40k.

One of my most accurate sources sent me this email. We have had this confusion before, regarding pre-release dates are in the calendar month ahead of the release with Hastings and again with other rumor sources. Both White Dwarf and pre-releases are on the calendar month ahead of their release or issued month, 

The next White Dwarf will contain Daemons, as many other rumor sources as well are pointing to. The following White Dwarf which would already be being worked on, is flyers. I would imagine since its being worked on, that is how we started receiving rumors of the release.

Please remember that these are rumors.

via anonymous
Nothing was wrong with the dates I provided, I guess I just wasn’t clear.
Febuary WD is daemons, march WD is flyers.
At least, in so far as the white dwarf released in feb, etc.
The white dwarf released in december had DAngels for instance.

It’s back to back releases with a heavier focus on 40k for the next year to two years to get all the army books up to date.  Then expect new units in white dwarf releases and army updates to spot fill anything that needs a boost here or there.  Then it will be  a primary focus on expansions and supplements as opposed to just a revolving door of codexes.

6th edition is here to stay.

More rumors and inside sources are chiming in that it is indeed a full Chaos Daemons release coming, Hardback codex and all. This is excellent news, and a first that I can recall of 40k getting two codices released in successive months. Wow.

Talking about a fast and furious release schedule for Games Workshop. If this all comes to fruition, I just want to say thank you GW. If release schedules like this continue, we really could see a 4 codex release year for 2013. Exciting indeed.

Also of note, flyers are mentioned for a March release.

via an anonymous source
Here is the latest rumor bits

The next white dwarf previews the new daemons.
The previously white dwarf released units are changing slightly (some get better, some worse).
The following white dwarf previews flyers.
So feb daemons,
March flyers.

Oh p.s. No new god. No hybrid GDs. Expanded fluff on malice.

it’s two separate books. Not one book that has rules for both like the white dwarf updates.
it’s a hard cover full release not an insert.