Duncan Rhodes Launching New ‘Two Thin Coats’ Paint Line!

Duncan Rhodes paints feature rDuncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats Paints line offering is coming soon with 60 paints- check out the release announcement!

Get hyped! Who doesn’t want a paint line developed by one of the coolest painters out there? The project is already looking great and we haven’t even seen a preview page for the Kickstarter yet. Still, with the number of paints and who it’s developed by, it should do well.

There isn’t a ton of info out but the paints are already looking fun and they released how many paints will be coming in the project. Let’s jump into the announcement!

Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats Paints Line Coming Soon!

Two Thin Coats Paints...Coming Soon!

There will be 60 paints overall just to start. With washes, metallics, and of course 48 colors. If you want to sign up for the newsletter to find out more, you can here. Or, you can sign up at the academy for more updates here as well. We don’t know too much more now but do have some sweet pics of the paints upcoming.

Duncan Rhodes paintsThe paints cover a large range and should be able to satisfy your painting needs. The one thing they did mention is that Sir Coates with Brush miniature will be a KS stretch goal, so hopefully, there will be plenty more as well. 

Duncan Rhodes paints 2

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Duncan Rhodes paints 3There will be both 6 washes and metallics but we assume there could be more with the KS stretch goals.

Duncan Rhodes paints 4Well, this is about all we know so far. But don’t worry, we’ll keep you updated on the project as we learn more. If you want in on the project be sure to sign up for updates and keep your eyes peeled.

Are you excited about the project? Will you be backing it when it goes live?

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