Dungeons & Lasers 2 Kickstarter: Dragon Unboxing

dungeons and Lasers featureDon’t miss Dungeons & Lasers 2, the 28mm modular terrain Kickstarter that is bringing dope multipart dragons to the mainstream market!

This week we are cracking open the Durkar Dragon box and seeing what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop. This is going to be one of at least five new models in the Kickstarter and we were super happy to get a preview of this one!

We are going to show you everything included in the first box and give you some size comparisons. That way you can decide if this box is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Dungeons & Lasers 2 Kickstarter: Dragon Unboxing

Dungeons and Lasers’ Dragon Kickstarter

Durkar BoxThe box is about the normal size for a standard squad. The mini inside however is huge! 167mm tall on a 50mm base. And if it looks anything like the picture, we aren’t going to be disappointed.

Dragon PamphletYou get a cool little insert as well showing you all the dragons of the Kickstarter. We can’t wait to get our hands on the rest of them.

Instructions And Sprues

Instructions dragonsRight off the bat, it looks fairly easy to assemble and has a bunch of detail!

Sprues DragonsWhen in doubt break out the tape measure! You can tell it’s all really high-quality plastic just from looking at the detail. Archon Gaming is one of the only companies in all of the EU that has injection molding capabilities. Which means way higher quality minis for us gamers, faster and more reliably.

The Dragon!

Complete DragonIf the sprue color didn’t give it away, just to let you in on the secret, they sent us two of them. We already built one of these last week to keep the video moving. It was very easy to build and the mini looks awesome.

Close up DragonYou can really see all the crips detail all over the model. Just look at the scales and wing veins!

Base of DragonEven the base is loaded with detail! It may take a little extra time to paint all those gold coins, on the base and the dragon tail, but it’ll be worth it.

Optional Pieces

optional PiecesFlames galore! The detail this adds to the mini is just crazy. But you can keep it off if you want.

Tongue of DragonIf you’re not big on the flames you can just add a normal tongue onto the model.

Size Comparisons

Size Comparison DragonIt’s massive. He makes that Sylvaneth Revenant look puny, as it should.

Marine ComparisonAh, the good old marine size comparison. That Astartes is shaking in his power armor boots right now.

That does it for the unboxing today! Rob isn’t normally into the RPG’s as much but was super impressed with this model. We need these kinds of companies in the hobby space right now so if you have a few extra bucks lying around they are definitely worth supporting.

Go Check out the Kickstarter!

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