Dungeons & Lasers II Kickstarter: New Pledge Levels & Unlocks!

dragons for dungeons & lasersDungeons & Lasers II Kickstarter is crushing it with new pledge levels and unlocks for affordable and easy to build terrain, and insane dragons!

If you’ve been looking to pick up some incredible and affordable terrain, look no further than this new Kickstarter. They have 12 themes of terrain, so no matter what you play (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, RPG, D&D, etc…) they have something for you, and all the terrain just snaps together in seconds.

If you just love big dragons, they also have you covered! They are coming out with five amazing looking dragons that are just massive. There’s even a sci-fi dragon in there, just something for everyone!

In just a few hours they have already been funded and are hitting stretch goals! Not to mention that if you back it in the first 48 hours you get a free mini to boot! But enough of this, let’s take a look at the project.

Dungeons & Lasers II Kickstarter – Terrain:

Dungeons and lasers IIYou can see right away just how awesome the terrain is! It’s very detailed, easy to build, customizable, and perfectly sized. This is just the one set as well, below we’ll get into the specific sets. Because when you back them, you get to choose what style of terrain best fits your games. If you want to see this stuff in action, watch Rob’s unboxing of it here.


The Dragons!

Dungeons & Lasers: Set of Dragons

dragons for dungeons & lasersIf Dragons are your thing, D&L has you covered with singles as well as a complete set of Dragons- all available as their own pledge! You can choose from any or all of the following:

The Completionist

completionist pledge dungeons and lasersWhat DM collection isn’t complete with one of EVERYTHING, and yes they mean everything. The recently unveiled Completionist pledge gets you one of literally everything in the D&L campaign, all the unlocks, all the pledge levels, everything!.

That’s over 831 parts in total including the six dragons above, all the companions and more.

dungeons & lasers complestsIs this for you or are you a mere mortal? Only time will tell…

That does it for this massive Kickstarter. If you’ve been looking for terrain or Dragons, you have to check them out! Now stop reading this and go back it at any level!

Dungeons & Lasers II Kickstarter