How To Paint OSL Miniature Painting Tutorial

Easy OSL rIn this tutorial, Kenny from Next Level Painting shows how easy it is to paint OSL on your miniatures- check it out!

Kenny is no stranger to all things painting as he cranks out streams and videos every week to help other hobbyists learn to paint better.

This time he’s how to make all your flames and light sources look even better! He did all of this over on his Twitch stream, so if you want to learn more than just the OSL, be sure to go check that out.

If you want to see more of his great content, you can go check out his Patreon here! Or if you want to see his previous tutorials, you can check them out here, for now though, let’s jump into the tutorial.

How To Paint OSL Miniature Painting Tutorial

Easy OSL 2Here is the model we’ll be starting with, as you can see, he already has the flames all painted up but still wants to finish off with some OSL.

Step 1

Easy OSL 3The first thing he’s going to do is put some orange on his wet palette and mix it with a lot of water to get the opacity really low. Then, before putting the paint on the model, be sure to really dry the brush off so there’s not a ton of paint left on the brush. Then just sling the color coming from the light source. Just be really gentle here and do this everywhere you think the light would hit.

Just be very relaxed here and let it dry before moving on. You almost want it to be like, did I do anything here? Then, go back in for another round over the same areas but a little more focused.

Step 2

Easy OSL 4He does about 4-5 layers of the above step, just building up the opacity but keeping with the same color. Just take your time. Once you’re happy with the color, it’s time to move on to the next step. He now moves to a little brush and mixes some yellow and white together on the wet palette. He then introduces that color to any of the sharp edges, almost like an edge highlight. This little bit of paint really starts to make it pop. He hits the robe, the hair, and the hand.

Step 3

OSLTo finish it off, he just goes back and cleans it up where it needs to be and adds a few more yellow highlights. It’s really that easy! The main thing here is being patient and getting the opacity of your paint correct. Then doing a ton of layers to get the color. Basically, he did all of this with two colors and just patience, correct opacity, and multiple layers.

If you want to see how to take it to the next level with all his other awesome videos, check out Kenny’s Patreon

Join The 101 Painting Curriculum From Kenny

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