Eldfall Chronicles Kickstarter is Live with Amazing Minis!

Eldfall chronicles feature rThe Eldfall Chronicles Kickstarter is an amazing new fantasy skirmish game featuring deep tactical combat- check it out!

If you’ve been looking for a new fantasy game to play, this might just be the project for you! The project is full of amazing heroes, monsters, and enemies. So even if you just want some cool new minis to hobby on, this is also a great place to be.

The game takes place in the world of Calad where you can influence the world and play out near-endless battles. You can play the games PvP, PvE, and Co-op! So that gives you a ton of replay options and just different ways to enjoy the game. If you beat your friends enough, you can just switch to co-op so they don’t get too upset.

The project has a little over a week left, so if you want to hop in on this awesome game, don’t wait long!

Eldfall Chronicles Kickstarter:

Eldfall chronicles

The game is very fast-paced while still having an in-depth level of combat. And with the ability to play this so many ways, it will really be a great pick-up. Also, when you consider how sweet the minis are, it becomes a no-brainer. On top of all that, the majority of the pledge levels get you everything you need to play, so for as little as 30€, you can get into the game. Let’s check out all the pledge levels.

Pledge Levels:

Eldfall chronicles pledge


Eldfall chronicles pledge 2The first pledge level will get you into the game with plenty of stuff and all the stretch goals, but why not go big?

Eldfall chronicles pledge 3The second level really starts to give you a bunch of minis and accessories!

Eldfall chronicles pledge 4


Eldfall chronicles pledge 5This pledge just gets you so much stiff and for only 119€, it’s a super worthwhile pickup! These aren’t even all the pledges, so be sure to check the project out to see everything you can get!

Stretch Goals:

Eldfall chronicles stretch


Eldfall chronicles stretch 2They’ve already hit a few stretch goals, but we’d love to see how high they can go and everything they can get!

The Minis:

Eldfall chronicles minis 8


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Eldfall chronicles minisYou can see just how amazing the minis are right off the bat! They look to be super fun to hobby on, and even if you don’t use them for the skirmish game, they would be super fun to collect. Nothing wrong with getting a fast-paced game and some amazing minis.

That does it for this one, just a great project to get in on!

Go Back the Project Here!