Even More Age of Sigmar Stormcast Dragons Incoming

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal horIf the dragons last week weren’t up your alley, it’s take two as the new Age of Sigmar Stormcast Dragons are on the horizon!

These aren’t quite as large as the two dragons from last week, but still tower over the battlefield, especially because they are on flying stands! Somehow the Stormcast got a bunch of eggs after Kragnos thought he destroyed them all. So if you love dragons in your games, this is good news because it opens up dragons for other factions as well.

New AoS Stormcast Dragons 3Warhammer Community just unveiled the newest sets and they actually have riders this time around. The newest units are known as the Stormdrake Guard and the Knight-Draconis. If you take a Knight-Draconis as your general, they actually become Battleline units. This means you could take a full dragon army, which would be wild. Anyway, let’s jump into the new minis! 

More Age of Sigmar Stormcast Dragons Incoming

New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4Get a load of this guy. With his flaming sword* and fancy helmet with built-in moustachios, the Knight-Draconis is exactly as much of a beast on the battlefield as you’d expect from such a mighty champion of Sigmar.

The dragon does definitely have a different look than the old aesthetic, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Either way, it looks like Stormcast is not done getting new units quite yet. But this might finally be the last release for now.


New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4It’s hard to decide which is the best detail. The Dragonith’s special hat is a strong contender – this is a kit with much more than its fair share of fancy headgear – but the tilting plate on his breast is very cool too, not least because it implies the Stormdrake Guard enjoy a spot of dragon jousting… And we repeat, if you take him as your general, you can run an entire army of dragons.

How cool would it be to have an entire dragon army? Might not be super competitive, but who cares, you have an army of dragons!

Stormdrake Guard

New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4Stormdrake Guard are Stormcast Eternals who have forged a symbiotic relationship with their Draconith mounts. Clad in thunderstrike armour and adorned with a rare Draconith beastmark, these warriors can be armed either with a drakerider’s lance or drakerider’s warblade.

It looks like they will be releasing this in a kit where you can build either option, much like the previous dragons as well. Overall both variations look cool and it would just be fun to see a full dragon army on the table.

Do you like the new dragons? Will you be picking the kit up?

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