Even More New Slaanesh Models Hidden In Plain Sight

keep of secrets slaanesh loreLooks like even more new models for Slaanesh were hidden in plain sight over the weekend, and as much as we love Sigvald, these look great too!

Back during the Decadence and Decay Online Preview, we got a look at the new Sigvald and some of the new Slaanesh Mortals lineup. We covered him here if you haven’t seen it.

As it turns out a closer look at the teaser video reveals even more units- hidden in plain sight! Check out that video below as we go over all the details. After we recap, let’s take a look at the new sightings as well!

Hidden In Plain Sight: New Slaanesh Models Incoming

Symbaresh Twinsouls out of focus modelsFirst up the shot with the Symbaresh Twinsouls, shows some out of focus models behind them. These both look like two large beast-men/Slaangors. The left model also has the same black leather leg covering as the new Slakeslash in Direchasm, which we thought it was at first…


As it turns out there are confirmed Slaangors on the way, but in Warcry.

slaangor fiendbloodsThis comes from a recent Warhammer Community article. While they don’t really go too in-depth they do give out some lore tidbits on each of the included units. So we know that Slaangors are coming. It also sorts of matches up with the fuzzy models from the video still above.

The right model face matches up with the left model and the left face matches up with the right model in the video.

Myrmidesh Painbringers out of focus modelsBack to the Decandance and Decay preview, In the shot of the Painbringers, we see a few more fuzzy models. One of which is the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh who was revealed on the 4th of December, and also apparently a Warcry Model.

Another is the Lord of Pain from the Shadow and Pain boxset.

shardspeaker of slaaneshThis model was already revealed officially on Warhammer Community. Which is pretty clearly the model on the right side of the image.

Lord of painThe Left side of the image is the Lord of Pain. This one is also pretty clear, we can see his shoulder plate, his leather boot, and that humungous mace. We have more on him here.

new slaanesh minotaursHowever, right in the middle is something we haven’t seen, and looks completely brand new. The huge arms and roughly bull shaped heads might mean Slaanesh Minotaurs are on the way. They also seem to potentially be positioned very close together and conveniently on one base.

As it stands based on this image it can mean a few things.

  • A large Lord of War-style character with Minotaurs on his base? Maybe a minotaur chariot?
  • A new Chaos war shrine-style model? I think it’s the latter, we can’t see the top, and it does look like they may be carrying something.

Guess what may have just been revealed over the weekend…

Hidden In Plain Sight: Two More Slaanesh Model Sightings

hedonites of slaanesh battletomeOn Christmas day, GW put out a special preview that we covered here in case you missed it. One of the reveals was the confirmation of the Slaanesh AoS Battletome. We get a very clear view of the cover, which seems to have some models hidden in plain sight! Can you spot them?

plain sight slaanesh What we originally spotted in the Sigvald Video seems to be on the cover! While those are almost certainly daemons and not minotaurs it does look to be a war shrine or dais-like model. While we know nothing about it we can see the size of it. Also, an important note is what’s on top and in the tent. There’s a large character seated, (most likely the leader) and what seems to be two or three other characters (perhaps attendants?).

Is that dais the model that was out of focus in this shot:

new slaanesh minotaursLonghorns? Check! Hulking Brutes? Mostly check. But that is about all we can see from this image, unfortunately.

Seeing how prominent it is on the cover, and with Sigvald nowhere to be found (on the cover), it might just be a very important character for the newly updated army. However, this model isn’t the only possible new find…

plain sight slaanesh 2Zooming in even further we can see two interesting figures. While this is much rockier, there are two unique figures in the furthest reach of the background image. These two hulking beasts/daemons might just be the new warcry Slaangors, but the main thing making that less likely is the lack of color/armor on these two. They also look massive. They are pretty far back and are still huge, so they actually might be minotaurs!

They could also just be there purely for creative reasons and may not be a model at all…

Either way, tons of Slaanesh in on the way for both Warcry, and by proxy Age of Sigmar! There’s a mix of models already out, brand new releases, coming very soon, and perhaps unannounced unknown models still. This release might be a slow burner, but new Slannesh models are definitely coming over multiple systems and release waves.

Any way you slice it (pun intended) it’s a great time to be a Slaanesh AoS player!

What do you think about the Minotaur model, could it be a real future model? What do you think about these models hidden in plain sight? Are you excited about the all but confirmed character?

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