Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2: Release Date & Game Details

Space-MArine-2-video-game hor wal titleHere’s everything about the return of Titus in the Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 video game, the new release date, and more!

Get ready to ignite your chainsword and battle through swarms of Tyranids and other devious enemies in 2024.

After the first trailer for the game came out, the internet went crazy with reactions, and for a good reason. The trailer is pretty sweet, and if you didn’t already know, Titus is returning!

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2: Release Date & Game Details


Mark your calendars for the 9th of September 2024 – the new launch date for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2! The game is being published by Focus Entertainment (you can go to their site to see the release details) and has been developed by Saber Interactive.

It will be available on most major platforms, including PC, PS5, and XS. Let’s check out the details and, obviously, the trailers!  Don’t forget, you can still register for the beta version to experience the thrill in co-op mode, and the Collector’s Edition is available for pre-order now.

The first Space Marine game did well, and people have been pretty hyped about this one.

Space Marine 2 New Release Date & Trailer

The latest on the new release date and trailer for Space Marines 2 is from Warhammer Community.

Space Marine 2 New Release Date

Elsewhere in the 41st Millennium, news has surfaced of Lieutenant Titus and his battle against the relentless swarms of Hive Fleet Behemoth…

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has a newly announced release date of9th September 2024– which means you’ll be revving your chainsword and fighting the endless Tyranids hordes, and some more insidious foes, later next year. You can stillsign up for the beta, which you can play in co-op, andpre-order the Collector’s Edition of the game here.

When they first announced the delay, it seemed like it would be about six to seven months out, but unfortunately, it will be about nine months from the original.

Space Marine 2 New Release Date 2Considering the first game is so loved, and how many people want the second one, it’s probably better to delay it and make a great game. However, this is a long delay, as September of 2024 feels far away from the holidays!

Space Marine 2 New Release Date 3Games Workshop has also pushed it harder than most with new miniatures inside this board game, new missions to play on the tabletop, and plenty of press.

However, if you’ve been waiting patiently (or impatiently) to play, it will be quite some time before you can…  Either way, it’s nice to have an official release date, and let’s hope the extra time helps them make a better game.

Update Alert: Space Marine 2 Release Date Delayed 

Space marine 2 airstrike 1In a recent update, Focus Entertainment said:

The game is now poised to ship in the second half of 2024, to provide the time needed to properly polish the game and to ensure the best possible experience. Focus Entertainment is committed to releasing a game that is of the highest quality and that exceeds the expectations of the countless fans of the franchise. Space Marine 2 has already accumulated over a million wish lists to date.

Considering the first game is so loved, and how many people want the second one, it’s probably better to delay it and actually make a great game. However, this is a pretty long delay, as the second half of 2024 could theoretically be December next year… but let’s hope it’s more like July.

Space Marine 2 Horde 1We don’t have an exact release date, but December is coming soon, and then we’ll have a solid release date. The Game Awards 2023 are happening on December 7th, and it would make sense for them to announce it then.

It will be interesting to see if GW keeps promoting the game really hard or if they will hold off with more until the title is closer to launch. 

Gameplay Footage From Gamescom for Space Marine 2: (August 24th, 2023)

Space Marine 2

To start off, the game looks fantastic. Everything feels as cinematic and grand as you would expect it to be.

Space marine 2 airstrike 1

This footage comes from the second mission of the game, aptly titled “Invasion.”

Space Marine 2 Boom 1

In addition to some stellar graphical display, we also get an update of the combat system.

Space Marine 2 Melee 1

While turning Tyrinads into Xenos Swiss cheese looks to be as fun as ever, slowly but surely, the never-ending masses will start to chip away at your armor and, eventually, your health.

In this game, medkits will be few and far between, so you want to do everything possible to avoid taking actual damage.

Space Marine 2 Melee 2

This is where the importance of your melee comes in. Alongside your arsenal of parries and dodges comes a glory-kill-style execution.

Executing enemies is how you can gain back your armor quicker, scaling the results with how tough and large the enemy is.

Space Marine 2 Horde 1

Thanks to the World War Z engine, Space Marine 2 can handle hordes of thousands of Tyranids like a champ.

This adds significantly to the scale as the masses storm and throw everything they can to get to you before the airstrike arrives…

Space Marine 2 pre-boom 1

Space Marine 2 boom 2

As the bombs drop that pretty much wraps it up for this preview!

If all this interests you, be sure to check out the video IGN made going over more of the game they had access to!

Battle Brothers Unite in Space Marine 2 Co-op Trailer: (June 9th, 2023)

The images come from the trailer on the Warhammer Community post.

Space Marine 2 Opening Cinematics

The trailer starts out with some beautiful cinematics with audio of a meeting over a discussion of the Tyrinad splinter fleets. Compared to the previous gameplay trailer, this one has a much more balanced mix of cinematics and actual gameplay footage.

Titus Melee Combat

Not long after the opening cinematics, the gameplay kicks back in with Titus cutting through some Tyrinads like a hot chainsword through butter.

Titus Explosion gunplay

Next, we move on to gunning down a Tyrinad swarm, mixed in with a healthy amount of explosions.

Jumppack combat

Followed up by some gnarly footage of the jump pack mechanic. The varied methods of Tyrinad execution all get their chance to shine in this trailer.

Marine trio

After that we get another little cinematics break, this time with Titus squaded up.

Massive Tyrinad Horde

This scene of a Tyranid swarm charging through the gates makes the combat look absolutely massive and epic in scale.

Space Gameplay

Speaking of massive in scale, just look at this. Forget the Warp-Drive, Space Marines make do.

solo space marine

And just as you think, the trailer is coming to an end…

trio of space marinesThen you remember what this trailer is about. It’s time for our Ultra-trio to wreak some havoc.

trio gameplayFinally we get some footage of intense three-player co-op action.

As the trailer finishes, those astute of you may have noticed something strange. Starting at roughly 1:22, you can hear what appears to be a voice whispering that’s been reversed. If you reverse it in an audio editor, you’re left with this below.


Pair that with this image that flashes briefly during the outro, and I say we’ve got ourselves a mystery to solve. Is that a warp portal or webway gate, and where is this trio off to?

With a release date for Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 set for the Winter of 2023, we don’t have too much longer to wait!

New Space Marine Board Game & Titus Miniature

Warhammer Community gave us a look at the new Space Marine board game and Titus Miniature!

Space Marine Board Game

Titus steps from the realm of pixels into the world of plastic, and this superbly detailed miniature is posed mid-charge, bolter and chainsword in hand. The first place you’ll be able to get your hands on this bold veteran of the Adeptus Astartes is in Space Marine: The Board Game, which pits the heroic Ultramarine against a near-endless swarm of voracious Termagants and Ripper Swarms.

The new Titus model looks pretty great, and if you love the games, playing on the tabletop would be super fun especially since you get to fend off hordes of Termagants and Ripper Swarms.

Space Marine Board Game 3

Space Marine: The Board Game contains 23 push-fit miniatures – that’s Lieutenant Titus, 20 Termagants, and two Ripper Swarms. You’ll also get a double-sided game board, a 40-page rulebook including backstory, two training missions, and two unique missions – plus all the accessories you need to play the game.

A 40-page rulebook is quite big for a board game, but getting 23 minis is nice. While you only get one Marine model, it is Titus, and he should be more than enough to bring down the hordes of Nids!

Space Marine Board Game 2

This game will initially be sold exclusively in Target stores in the United States of America, though a similar set will be coming to other territories at a later date. Lieutenant Titus himself will also be released separately in the future, so every Space Marine fan can add this iconic hero to their collection.

It’s a little interesting this will only be sold in the US at Target stores, but we’ll have to wait and see where else it releases.  Hopefully, the new board game and Titus miniature will be readily available for anyone that wants to buy it worldwide.

New Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Gameplay Trailer & Pre-Order: (December 9th, 2022)

This comes from Warhammer Community.

Space Marine 2 gameplay

Lieutenant Titus is back in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 with a brand new gameplay reveal. This new trailer shows him in the thick of things against the Tyranid hordes, and setting about with a variety of savage melee weapons – a real necessity when holding back the endless night.

While the cut scenes are insanely detailed, we want to see the gameplay, and it looks intense!

Space Marine 2 gameplay 2The close combat has a pretty frenetic feel to it.

Space Marine 2 gameplay 4Obviously, you will be smashing through a lot of Tyranids in this one!

Space Marine 2 gameplay 5The shooting also looks good, but it feels like the game will focus a little more on smashing them in melee. Be sure to check out the full trailer below!

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Pre-Order & Release Date

Space Marine 2 gameplay 7Right now, it looks like you can only select the collector’s edition, but you’ll also get a hand-painted figure with it as well!

You can wishlist the game now on Steam, Xbox, and Playstation. For those who really want to celebrate the return of Titus, there’s a monstrous Collector’s Edition available to pre-order exclusively on the Focus web store. 

Space Marine 2 gameplay 6The price is a little high, but they always are for the collector’s editions. Let’s hope we see the regular price before too long. Here’s everything you get in the collector’s edition:

Pre-order the Collector’s Edition of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 now to get a statue of Lieutenant Titus fighting a Tyranid, a 64-page hardcover book, a Steelbook, and the game on the platform of your choice with the Macragge’s Chosen DLC!

Check out the video below for more angles of the figure, or you can jump on the pre-order here!

The release date for Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is winter of 2023!


Space Marine 2 Returns: December 10th, 2021

If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, do yourself a favor and watch it! That is unless you love Tyranids, the honor of the imperial guard, and hate Space Marines, then maybe not. But why are you reading a post about Space Marines…

Anyways, the action is super fast-paced and quite deadly. If the game can capture any of that feel, we’ll be in for a heck of a game! Warhammer Community talked with people who worked on the game ( Oliver Hollis-Leick, the Creative Director at Saber Interactive, and Dessil Basmadjian, the Creative Director at Focus Entertainment) about what to expect, let’s hear what they have to say about the trailer:

space marine 2 trailer

The story we’re telling centres on Titus, but it was very important for us to place our hero in an authentic Warhammer 40,000 setting.

We wanted to portray the way a mortal would perceive a Space Marine: a towering Angel of Death, sent down from the heavens by the will of the Emperor. A Space Marine is a warrior of the highest order, a demigod-like figure with almost superhuman powers. 

space marine 2 trailer 2

One of the most exciting aspects of the Space Marine franchise is that it gives players an opportunity to experience the Warhammer 40,000 universe directly from the battlefield, making it one of the most immersive portrayals of this vast setting. We wanted fans of the franchise to wonder throughout the trailer if this was a new IP or the sequel that they’ve been craving for 10 years now. For perceptive viewers, however, we included subtle hints at who was under the helmet.

Talking to a Game Designer

space marine 2 trailer 3Warhammer Community also talked with the lead designer on the combat side of the game, Andrey. Their goal was to make it more intense and fun than the last one while keeping the feel. Let’s hear what they have to say about the game:

 As a member of a combat team, I’d say it’s the combat system is the best improvement… But overall, it’s actually the scale of everything. Space Marine 2 is much more epic than its predecessor in every single way.

We want to give the player the feeling that they’re a big unstoppable death-dispensing warrior. All the combat systems, animations, and enemy behaviours are created with that clear purpose in mind. The feel when playing is essential. It’s about weight, momentum, and impact.

space marine 2 trailer 4The Art producer Aleksandra also talked to them about the direction of the game: 

The hardest part is to keep everything faithful to the lore and miniatures while making everything realistic at the same time. Miniatures have quite exaggerated shapes to make them stand out on the table. We couldn’t retrace the forms, so we needed to change them just a little while still staying true to the Warhammer IP.

Ah, got to keep it close to the IP, especially now that they are starting to license a lot and make a serious profit from it.

Compared to the Old Game

If you never played the old game and are wondering what to expect. Check out this gameplay trailer from JonniKonsti. While obviously, the new game is hopefully better, this is what it’s based on!

Honestly, the old game was fun, so they have their work cut out!

space marine 2 trailer 5Oh yeah, and did we mention you get to play as Titus again? So sweet!

All the Newest GW Model Previews Warhammer 

Are you excited about the new Space Marine 2 video game and its release date?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!