Exclusive Tau Counter Strike Formation 1 of 200 REVEALED!

By Rob Baer | November 19th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau codex cover new

Things are heating up for the Tau today, as they just their first exclusive formation had finally been revealed! Come see this bad boy!

Gamestrust.de 11-19-2015


Limited Edish of 200


“Black Box” slipcase for the formation


Boom Goes the Dynamite

Wow talk about an upgrade! Not only can this thing now move farther, it cranks up the deadliness of the foot troops weapons to 11. Twin linked pulse weapons, and longer range on the AP3 shots it nothing to sneeze at, as quite a few enemies of the greater good may find out soon enough.

Checkout the rest of the exclusive set pics below.

New Tau Roundup

Find the front door and shut it, the Tau keep getting better and better!

Episode 26 – GW : The CEO’s New Groove