Fafnir Rann Horus Heresy Rules Unveiled by GW

Fafnir rann 3 rNow you can actually play with the Black Library Celebration, as GW revealed all the Fafnir Rann Horus Heresy rules!

Sometimes GW will actually give their exclusive minis actual rules instead of people just proxying them as something else. It’s always good when the rules are free, but if you want to play him in 40k, he’ll just be a proxy. A really sweet-looking proxy though…

Warhammer Community has all the rules for free download, which you can get here, but we’ll cover most of them for you below. If you want to see all the pricing and where you can get the mini, check that out here. Let’s first look at the mini then get into the rules.

Fafnir Rann Model

fafnir rann

fafnir rann

A celebrated officer of the Imperial Fists, Captain Rann was charged with the defence of the strategically vital Lions Gate Spaceport. He later joined the Templar Brethren, fighting alongside Sigismund and earning ever greater glory.

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Not to mention he wades into battle with not one but TWO axes! Something about the blender that these guys must create in assault just screams, stay very very far away.

fafnir rann details

He’s a veritable mountain of stubborn strength, even for a superhuman Space Marine, wielding his signature twin power axes.

Fafnir Rann Horus Heresy Rules Unveiled by GW

Fafnir rann

He not only looks good, but he’s also devastating on the tabletop. In games of The Horus Heresy, Fafnir can chop his way through Traitors with his twin AP2 axes – the Headsman and the Hunter.

With WS6 and decent stats overall, plus his axes, he should be able to dish out some damage! Plus, he has plenty of wargear and special rules, we’ll have to see how the points cost plays out after a few games though.

Fafnir rann 2

He also increases the Weapon Skill of any Legion Breacher Siege Squads and Phalanx Warder Squads when they charge. What’s more, he has a special rule called Executioner’s Tax, which forces enemy units to suffer automatic hits whenever they are foolish enough to charge him.

Buffing up troops is always nice, especially considering it’s just a global buff. Then getting to take units as troops is always a serious plus when you need those slots for something else. Charging him will be a tough option as the enemy will on average suffer 5 Strength 5 attacks!

Download the Full Rules Here!

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