Custom Rules For Playing 8th Edition Horus Heresy

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Have you been trying to figure out how to play 30k with 8th edition rules? Come see these fantastic Fan made rules for playing Horus Heresy with 8th!

The 8th Edition Heresy Project to convert over Horus Heresy to a playable set of rules for 8th is here. The Legiones Astartes rules portion was started by ArbitorIan and Grifftofer. They did a fantastic job creating this 88 page document to help you bring your 30k games into the modern day 8th edition rules.

Again this is a fan made set of rules that is not official from Games Workshop, but that being said there is no reason why you can’t use them to play with your Heresy models.

Horus Heresy Red Books

Let’s take a look at what ArbitorIan had to say over on the Heresy 30k forum.

A few months ago, in response to the ‘Playing Heresy in 8ed’ thread on this forum, a few people started sharing ideas for how we could ‘fill in the gaps’ and play Heresy with the 8th Edition 40k ruleset.

Grifftofer and I ran with this, and have been working hard over the last few weeks to get out a first draft set of rules – most of the hard work being Grifftofer’s, who has managed to copy a ridiculous amout of text and layout in such a short space of time!

Here’s the first document – the generic Legiones Astartes PDF.

LINK – Legiones Astartes Compilation PDF

Legion Astartes 8th Ed Compilation Cover

As a general design philosophy, we’ve tried to keep the structure and arrangement of units and armies the same as they have been in previous versions of 30k, but using the new rules system. If rules for a unit exist in 8ed, we’ve used them unchanged. When porting over rules from 7ed, we’ve tried to use equivalent 8ed rules wherever possible, and only write completely new material where necessary.

For example, Tactical Squads already have rules in 40k, so we’ve copied those rules, but given them the 30k weapon options. Fury of the Legion still works as a rule, so we’ve updated only the language of the rule to 8ed-style. However, the nuncio-vox rules don’t work any more, so we’ve used the closest existing 40k 8ed rules that made sense (in this case, from the AM Master of Ordnance).

We hope that this will be a living community document, and discussion here and on other forums will lead to regular updates as everyone has a chance to playtest it – we haven’t had much chance yet! In particular, we’ve included a foreword with a number of ‘big’ questions for answering by the community.

We’re also hard at work with the next document – Legion rules – which requires a bit more thought.


Legion Tactical SquadThese guys did a fantastic job creating these rules, and you can tell there was a lot of time invested to get it out in such a short amount of time. They hope to have this become a living community document, and one reader was already chiming in with some great suggestions. Will we be seeing some of Penddraig’s suggestions added in the near future?

Here is some initial feedback. Couple of caveats: I’m not a massive rules person so I’ve only really looked at units / RoW that I regularly use as I have more experience with those. I’ve suggested a couple of changes to bring some rules in-line with either current 8th. ed rules or closer to their usage in 7th if there was no new equivalent.

I also want to state again how much I appreciate the work you guys have put into this. It’s clearly had a lot of time and effort spent on it so please accept this feedback as constructive comments rather than any indication that your ideas were bad. In a lot of places I have also included my justification for any changes.

Feedback on 8th ed. Legiones Astartes rules…

Penndraig wrote suggestions for a lot of things below the “Feedback on 8th ed. Legiones Astartes rules” sentence, so make sure you head on over to the forum and see what he had to say.

It’s a great feeling to see the community coming together and making the changes we want to see. These new rules started as a response to a ‘Playing Heresy in 8ed’ thread on the forum, and these guys created it for us, not because they were paid to, but because they wanted everyone to have the option to play whatever rule set they wanted.

This is going to be a living document, so if you have any suggestions on how to improve the rules, or something to add, make sure you head over to the thread and let them know. And Games Workshop, if you’re reading, I think you just found yourself some new rules writers.

What are your thoughts on these 8th edition Heresy rules? Is this something you and your friends are going to try out? If you do, please stop back in and let us know what you thought.

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