Fantastic Plants & Rocks STLs from PrintYourMonsters!

Fantastic Plants & Rocks feature rIf you want some great files for all your terrain needs you need to check out Fantastic Plants & Rocks STLs from PrintYourMonsters.

Their first crowd-funded project for terrain went incredibly well with over 3200 backers. So why wouldn’t they do part 2? If you sign up early for the new campaign you’ll get a free STL! They have way more than just terrain STLs as well, so if you want to see everything they have to offer, you can check it out here. You can either support them on Patreon monthly, support the new campaign, or gab a ton of their files from Myminifactory. Whichever way you choose to get their files, they are all great!

This time though, we’ll be focusing on the terrain aspect of things. Each one of the files is really amazing looking and you can get a bunch of files for a decent price. You know we love a good crowdfunding campaign and this is just another great one to support. Let’s dive into the files!

Fantastic Plans & Rocks STLs From the First Campaign

Just to note, these are the files from the old campaign that has ended, but we expect the new one to be even better! If you want to be notified when the new project goes live, you can here.

Plants pack STL


Rocks Pack Fantasy terrainAll of the files looked great in the last campaign! They really just give your battlefield or RPG campaign a great feel and will add an extra layer of flavor to your games. Unfortunately, the first one is over, but we know the second one is only going to be better!

Free STL for Early Pledges

Fantastic Plants & Rocks free stlIf you get on the project early, you’ll get these files for free! Not too shabby for a great project that will be worth backing. Also, if the new one goes anything like the old one, you can expect all kinds of stretch goals to be hit!

Expect Lots of Stretch Goals

Fantastic Plants & Rocks


Fantastic Plants & Rocks 2While this was the older one, if they hit any goals like this, we’ll all be happy!

That does it for this one, just a really cool project that we are excited about.

Get Notified When the New Project Goes Live Here!