FANTASY 9th – New Starter Box Rumors

By Rob Baer | February 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors



A new set of rumors is doing the rounds regarding what WFB 9th’s starter box will look like.

WFB 9th Box & Armies Via BoLS

The results of the End Times will be directly reflected in the armies included in 9th Edition

Boxed Set:

Will include good guys (the Forces of Light) versus Chaos – in a loose fashion.

The Boxed Set is set in a former city of the Empire (save your breathe, it’s NOT Mordheim), but luckily the End Times offers up plenty of new choices.

Boxed Set includes a campaign at a skirmish level and is firmly designed to introduce new players into the game at this smaller model-count level.

Look for an increased focus on “Heroes & Characters”, even at the skirmish level of the game.

WFB 9th will kick off a new set of products that cover not only the new surviving factions, but new modular terrain pieces that support the game at all size levels and reflect the new “Post End-Times” world.

Warhammer 9th Roundup

– A new version looks to be on the horizon, who’s all in?