FANTASY 9th – Rumors Explosion

By Rob Baer | May 28th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Looks like the floodgates have opened and Fantasy is in the limelight. Checkout the shocking new rumors Fantasy 9th!

via Warseer’s Lord Dan 5-26-2015 

Latest WFB 9th “Overview”

Originally Posted by Neo-birdy
Hey Dan, don´t want my name associated with rumours since I don´t know how much GW actually check stuff on forums, but anyway to make a long story short, a guy at GW HQ phoned me today & we had a long conversation since he wants me to become a GW retailer. I told him I was unsure due to recent warhammer fantasy rumours & GW not letting the public know anything, so after a while I got the following things confirmed:9:th edition is coming out this summer.Round bases is a go, you will be able to play with Square bases, but after 9:th edition hits, Everything will be sold with round bases.Everything will be able to skirmish, but many units will be able to rank up as well, GW will releasemovement trays made for thisUnbound will exist, as will bound lists, basically what he told me is that it´s what the public wants, however to avoid powergaming there will be scenarios which require you to hold objectives etc etc & units in an unbound army can´t hold an objective as long as an enemy is within x inches, while bound armies can. He said something about getting bonus points for killing the enemy commander as well, something unbound armies couldn´t get. So they will encourage both styles but in different ways.He only confirmed one new faction, which was humans, he said it will basically be Empire + Bretonnia & some new troops. He was very clear about no army being squatted though.

Warhammer 9th Roundup

A lot of things we’ve heard, and now some new stuff too. Sure it’s a lot of ‘he said she said’ but it’s completely feasible that we can see Fantasy getting 40k mechanics ported over too.

Round base or square, I’m willing to give it a try.

~ It wont be long now?