February Infinity Miniatures Preview From Corvus Belli

Infinity February releases feature rIf you’re already looking for new models, then the February Infinity miniatures preview might just be perfect for you- check it out!

With the new edition of Infinity in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time! These new releases give you a unique way to add more minis to your forces. Just keep in mind, these will be released on February, 25th. 

These are obviously not out quite yet but will be hitting stores soon. So get those hobby dollars saved up if you want to hop on any of the pre-orders. Like with all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play. Let’s take a closer look at the minis!

Malignos (Hacker): $16.99

Infinity February releasesDon’t mess with him unless you’re ready to be gunned down! If you love all things infinity, check out what else is going on with the game. Let’s hear more about the mini:

 Malignos are too subtle to be detected by anti-intruder systems, which they sidestep astutely without losing their stride. They are undetectable and, therefore, untouchable. 

Vargar Maximum Security Team: $41.99

Infinity February releases 2While the three main minis are awesome, the little bot is pretty amazing and cute!

The Vargar have accumulated the most victories in the annual competitions between the different spec-op units of the PanOceanian Military Complex. Evil tongues speak of experimental hardware and even of enhancement drugs secretly developed at Ulveslør Station.

PanOceania Action Pack: $101.99

Infinity February releases 4These packs are great for getting a bunch of minis in one go! Here are the specs on this one:

PanOceania is a true melting pot of cultures that, with their pragmatic and generous character, consider themselves the defenders of the Western traditions of democracy and welfare. PanOceanians are a proud people who might come across as slightly conceited with their constant reminders of the technological superiority of their society, and particularly their army.

ITS Season 13 Tournament Pack: Blast from the Past: $47.99

Infinity February releases 5If you’re running a tournament, these are the perfect gifts for the winners! That way they get something really cool but who knows exactly what’s inside? Here’s what they have to say about this:

 New release! New pack to organize Infinity tournaments or leagues with a great surprise selection of prizes for the participants. The content of each Pack is different. The Pack includes two random exclusive ITS miniatures from past seasons or a random exclusive TAG from the Event Packs. It also includes the Outrage manga, as well as a random selection of exclusive material from past seasons. A unique opportunity to win those items you missed in a past season. 

That does it for this one, just some awesome minis to look forward to!

Get Your Infinity Models Here!