Star Wars Legion 28mm Rebel Minis Previews

Star Wars Legion Wal HorFantasy Flight Games just revealed new Rebel miniatures for the upcoming game Star Wars: Legion. Come checkout the latest announcement.

Star Wars: Legion created a huge buzz the day it was announced, and now we’re getting a look at the new miniatures for the Imperial players out there. Let’s take a look at what Fantasy Flight Games had to say about the new Rebel Troopers, AT-RT, and T-47 Airspeeder expansion packs.

Star Wars Legion Rebel Troopers

Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion

The Alliance recruits warriors from every world—wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire’s tyranny. Together, these ragtag groups of recruits become Rebel Troopers, carrying out the fight against the Empire on dozens of worlds across the galaxy. The Rebel Trooper is well-used to embarking on stealthy missions, and above all, they’ve learned to trust the other soldiers in their squad with their lives.

Rebel Troopers form the backbone of any Alliance army taking the field against the Empire, where they’ll use their mobility to gain the upper hand against their foes. Rebel Troopers on their own are known for being nimble, but if you equip them with the new Grappling Hooks upgrade card, your Rebels can clamber over terrain with ease.

The Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion features a full unit of seven Rebel Trooper miniatures, identical to the Rebel Troopers included in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. This expansion also includes the unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to kit out your Rebel Troopers for any battlefield scenario.

Star Wars Legion ATRT

AT-RT Unit Expansion

The Rebel Alliance is constantly outgunned in their war against the Empire. Since they cannot hope to match the awe-inspiring military production of a galaxy-spanning Empire, the Rebellion has turned to salvage in order to supplement their forces—such as with the AT-RTs. First introduced by the Republic during the Clone War, the All Terrain Recon Transport, or AT-RT, has since been co-opted by the Rebel Alliance to aid their war against the Empire.

As a relatively quick and maneuverable walker that can pack a significant punch with its weapons systems, additional AT-RTs have plenty to offer to your army as you supplement the single AT-RT in the Core Set. Since each AT-RT only offers a single hardpoint for a larger gun, it’s easy to have your walkers fill different roles in your army—deploying some armed with laser cannons against enemy vehicles and sending another to mop up Imperial infantry with a flamethrower.

The AT-RT Unit Expansion includes a single new AT-RT miniature for you to add to your Rebel army, complete with three different gun attachments that can be attached to your miniature. Along with the AT-RT, you’ll find the associated unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards for you to enhance your AT-RT and other units.

Star Wars Legion T47 Airspeeder

T-47 Airspeeder

You may be battling the Empire on the frozen wastes of Hoth, or you may be fighting on the surface of any other planet, across the thousands of planets that make up the galaxy. No matter where you are, there’s always good reason for you to get a little air superiority. The T-47 Airspeeder Unit Expansion adds one T-47 airspeeder miniature to your Rebel armies. Along with the beautifully sculpted, unpainted miniature, you’ll find all the unit cards and upgrade cards that you need to make the T-47 airspeeder a crucial part of your battle for freedom.

It’s almost time to for you to fight off Vader and his army. These three new Rebel expansions are now available for pre-order on the Fantasy Flight Games website. It looks like you’re going to have plenty of options to build your army to match your play style. All of the models come unpainted and unassembled, so you’ll be able to paint any color scheme you want for your new Rebel army. How are you going to paint yours?

The Movement Tools & Range Ruler pack, as well as an additional dice pack, are also available for pre-order. Having extras of these are always a great idea, that way you’re not looking around the table for the movement tool, range ruler, or dice if you and a friend, or family member, are planning on sharing.

Star Wars Legion Movement Tools & Dice

This game looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun, and a perfect way to bring Star Wars into the tabletop wargaming scene even more. FFG always does a great job with their game rules, they’re usually easy to learn, but hard to master. We can’t wait to get our hands on it! Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates on Star Wars: Legion, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them.

What are your thoughts on the new Rebel expansions for Star Wars: Legion? Are you going to be picking any of these up for yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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