First Gaming Shipment Delay Due To Hanjin Bankruptcy

By Zeb Barrett | September 18th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

south korea hanhin shipping

The first table top gaming delays due to Hijan’s bankruptcy have been announced. What exactly does this mean for our product shipments?

Reuters reported that 85 ships have been stranded at sea in the first few days after Korean shipping company, Hanjin, filed for bankruptcy.

These ships are being barred from docking which is holding up around $14 billion in cargo from being shipped worldwide and ports, cargo handlers and tugboat operators are refusing to work for fear of not being paid.

One wargaming manufacturer has also reported to Spikey Bits on condition of anonymity that several containers of their gaming products have been delayed as well.

According to a report, documents have been submitted to South Korea court as of last week, that claim it will take $154.4 million to unload all the stranded cargo worldwide.

hanjin bankruptcy shipping wizkids delay


$36 million has been transferred, by the chairman of Hanjin Shipping Company parent Hanjin Group, in an attempt to help unload the stranded cargo ships, but this is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is really needed to get this cargo unloaded and on it’s way to the final destination.

So some of you may be wondering what exactly this means for the gaming scene. Well, some gaming companies are already taking a hit, such as WizKids.

wizkids teenage mutant ninja turtles

It has been confirmed that a shipment of the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroclix: Heroes in a Half Shell, headed for the U.S., has been delayed.

One wargaming manufacturer has also reported to Spikey Bits on condition of anonymity that several containers of their gaming products have been delayed as well.

Unfortunately, I’m sure, this will not be the last we will hear of gaming, as well as other products from clothes to electonics, being delayed in the coming future.