First Pics The Last Weekly White Dwarf..

By Rob Baer | July 26th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

beastclaw raiders stonhorn orgres ogor

All good things must come to an end, and today we have the first round of images from the last of the weekly White Dwarf magazines.

Note, texts in French

Source: Warfo

The Ogors arrive next week with a battletome “recycling”


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You saw it here first last week:


And our money was indeed on the new: OGRE BEASTCLAW RAIDERS :

Source: Scanner

Releases August 6th
Beastclaw Raiders Mournfang Pack $65
Beastclaw Raiders Strornhorn $58
Beastclaw Icewind Assault $215
Battletome Beastclaw Raiders $33

Here’s the current unit point breakdown, via the General’s handbook:

beastclaw units


“Future Proofed Indeed”

The Ogres we super fun when they launched over 10 years ago, and now third out of the AoS reboot gate they should get tons of fresh new abilities and gear for fighting in the mortal realms. But will it be enough?

warhammer statue hq gw

GW Release Roadmap: The Next 6 Months?

More OGORs as we know it folks!