Flesh-Eater Crypt Ghouls are Deluded Soldiers of Death

flesh eater courts-wal-hor-titleFlesh-Eater Crypt Ghouls serve their dark masters with a frightening loyalty and that is compounded by a never-ending hunger for flesh!

The fat of the Crypt Ghouls is about one of the worst you can imagine, but at least they feel love for their masters, so that’s something, maybe? Get out your favorite safety blanket and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

crypt ghoulsGhouls and their rotten kingdoms are mentioned and talked about in every corner of the Mortal Realms. Be it as cautionary tales to weary travelers or dark campfire stories. However, the reality is much more horrific than told. Crypt Ghouls make up the majority of the vile creatures that make up an Abhorrant Ghoul King’s realm. Utterly devoted to their lord. They live only to serve their king in their wars fuelled by madness and a hunger for flesh. While the stories tell of bloodthirsty cannibalistic monsters whose teeth are as sharp as knives. They see themselves as noble humans fighting for their righteous kings.

Crypt Ghouls don’t just appear out of nothing, they were once all mortals. The hardships found in the Mortal Realms broke them to the point of no return. Feasting on anything and anyone they can to survive. Thus they’re shunned from society and find themselves with others like them in an Abhorrant Ghoul King’s court. The king subsequently blesses them with their own insanity. Before long all their shame and horrific view of themselves has been replaced by a new kind of bliss. Crypt Ghouls no longer see themselves as cannibals with no place in the Mortal Realms. Now they are clean, noble, and stout knights and soldiers fighting to preserve the honor of their handsome and noble king. Reality is forever a distant nightmare for them.

When the Ghoul King’s armies go to battle Crypt Ghouls view themselves as the rank and file soldiers that are more often seen in the Free Cities. However, they are nothing more than a shambling horde of monsters. Ready to throw away their lives for their king. They fight with nothing but their own bodies, teeth, and claws trying to pierce even the toughest armors. Alone they are weak however they often battle in massive numbers, overwhelming their foes in sheer weight. Due to their devotion they rarely break from battles, those that do are swiftly taken care of by their kin.

On the Field

flesh eater courtsOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Crypt Ghouls are a battleline option for any Flesh-Eater Courts army. They’re the main horde to drown your enemy with while other units bring in the hurt. They cost 100 points per 10 models, however, they’re cheaper when taken at their maximum of 40. Encouraging you to use them as the horde they were born to be. They’re part of a lot of Warscroll Battalions and will thus make up a big part of your army. They also have a solid bravery stat of 10, breaking ranks is simply not in their mind for a second.

Crypt Ghouls are very fragile however, with a 6+ save roll you need to get used to losing a lot of them throughout a battle. You’re going to need a lot of Ghouls to not lose them all in one turn. Each Crypt Ghoul is equipped with Sharpened Teeth and Filthy Claws. Slashing and gnawing away at their prey. They aren’t the strongest weapon with 2 attacks, 1 damage, and a 4+ for both hits and wound rolls. But with enough bodies, they will definitely be able to take down even the strongest of foes.

flesh-eater courts endless spells 2A horde of Crypt Ghouls is led by a Crypt Ghast, keeping their group together for maximum effectiveness. This model gains an extra attack. Crypt Ghouls’ strength in numbers also bleeds through to their abilities. Should the unit have 20 or more models, they all get an extra attack. They also synergize well with their lords. Should they be wholly within 18″ of a friendly unit with the Abhorrant keyword, you can re-roll hit rolls of 1, giving the ghouls the chance to dish out even more damage.

Crypt Ghouls, noble soldiers to themselves but cannibalistic horrors to the rest.

Learn More About Flesh-Eater Crypt Ghouls Here!