Forge World Contekar Terminators & Phyrr Cats Pre-Order

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityHeads up Necromunda and Horus Heresy players the Contekar Terminators, and Phyrr Cats for House Escher are on pre-order now!

Forge World has opened up new pre-orders on the new Contekar Terminator for Horus Heresy and the Phyrr Cats for House Escher in Necromunda. If you play either, you’ll want to pick them up. These items will ship on January 22nd, 2020.

Night Lords Contekar Terminators Elite $98

Contekar TerminatorsAdd these vicious Terminators to your Night Lords Legion. The unit wears modified Tartaros-pattern armour, which has been embellished with trophies and symbols of this dread Legion. The kit comes with three heavy flamers, two volkite cavitors and five Nostraman chainblades. There is an option to make one member into a squad leader, known as a Dissident, and he can also be armed with a escaton power claw instead of his Nostraman chainblade. There are six heads included – five helmeted and one bare – giving you some flexibility with how you assemble your squad.

Night-Lords-Contekar-Terminator-Elite detailsThis highly detailed resin kit comes in 48 parts and makes five Contekar Terminators. It comes supplied with five 40mm Citadel round bases.

Escher Phyrr Cats $33

House Escher – Phyrr CatsAdd some Exotic Beasts to your Escher gang with two Phyrr Cats – these mysterious creatures are fast, ferocious and loyal to their owner. They offer both new tactical options for your games of Necromunda, and an interesting painting and modelling opportunity too.

Escher-Phyrr-Cats detailsThis highly detailed resin kit comes in 10 pieces and makes two Phyrr Cats. It comes supplied with two 32mm Necromunda base.

Will you be picking up either of these new Kits? Do you have any conversion ideas?

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