Forge World LoTR Personalities of Bree Pre-Order

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityGet ready to add some more flavor to your Lord of the Rings collection because Forge World has one new pre-order for the Personalities of  Bree.

Forge World has opened up a new pre-order for some of the loyal defenders in Bree. It’s only a single pre-order, however, there are three completely different and unique models for LoTR in the package. All of these items will ship on October 16th, 2020.

Personalities of Bree $39

personalities of bree


bree zoomThe innkeeper of the Prancing Pony, Barliman Butterbur is a jolly and round-faced man who is constantly in high spirits. He goes out of his way to help Frodo and his companions when they come to Bree, ensuring they are sheltered and well fed, even when his inn is all but full.

Old Barliman is an excellent judge of character and, as they say in Bree, can even see through a brick wall in time. Even when events in Bree grow dark, and Sharkey’s Ruffians are commonplace in Bree and the Shire, Barliman remains loyal to his friends and other good-natured folk, though he will not hesitate to give troublemakers a swift clonk round the head with his cudgel if needs be.

Harry Goatleaf is an old man of Bree, and has held the position of Gatekeeper for many years within the village. It is the job of the Gatekeeper to keep an eye on those who enter the village and to ask questions after nightfall of those he does not know in order to keep troublemakers and unsavoury-looking folk at bay. Though his role within Bree was originally for the good of the people, Harry Goatleaf was eventually turned by greed, joining Sharkey’s cause in bullying the Hobbits of the Shire.

Each of these three play a unique role, albeit minor ones. Each has unique personalities and responsibilities, which make them great for any niche collectors or people who like to have the figures on their shelf.

Will you be picking up these new characters? Do you play LoTR? How about just collecting?

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