Forge World Teases New Tau Tiger Shark Model

Tau Battlefleet gothic armadaThe Tiger Shark AX-1-0 has been redesigned and will be making a return soon. Come take a look at the flyer that makes Imperial Knights tremble.

Games Workshop just announced you will be able to get the Tiger Shark AX-1-0, a dedicated Titan-hunter, very soon from Forge World. Let’s see what they had to say.

Tiger Shark

A classic Forge World Flyer is returning soon with the redesigned and re-armed Tiger Shark AX-1-0. This colossal aircraft is a dedicated Titan-hunter, armed with twin heavy rail cannons capable of scrapping even larger tanks in a single burst; each is Strength 18, with an AP of -5, and causes 2D6 Wounds, with double damage against Titanic units. In short, if you want to give an Imperial Knights player a very, very bad day, this is the Flyer for you.

Tiger Shark

The Tiger Shark has been redesigned much like its smaller cousin, the Barracuda AX-5-2, with a sleeker appearance and extra detail. There are also some new weapon options coming to represent the Tiger Shark Fighter-Bomber – a pair of heavy burst cannons or ion cannons.

Tiger Shark

The new Tiger Shark AX-1-0 is a great looking model, and now it’s coming with even more weapon options. This flyer is going to demoralize an opponent who brought Titans. The rail cannons are Strength 18,  AP -5, and does 2D6 Wounds, with double damage against Titanic units. Games Workshop said you’ll be able to order yours soon, so are we looking at a pre-order later this week?

Here’s some more shots of the new flyer from Forge World Open:

FW Open Day TigersharkWhat do you think about the revamped Tiger Shark AX-1-0? Checkout the Barracuda for clues to what we may see design wise from the re-release of the Tiger Shark.

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