Frameworks Going For Cheap on Amazon: 30-40% Off Most Models!

cheal-d&D-frameworks-miniaturesScore Frameworks D&D miniatures now for cheap; these are the sprue-based line that works for pretty much any game, and you can get them for 30-40% off on Amazon right now!

If you want some great fantasy miniatures, Frameworks is a good place to look; however, sometimes they can be a little pricey, but with these huge discounts, they are totally worth a look! They are obviously made for D&D, but they really can work for any fantasy-style game.

With deals this good, you can actually score a lot of these for much cheaper than even alternative companies. A lot of the single characters are down around $10-$15, and squads are only about $30. Let’s take a closer look!

Frameworks Going For Cheap on Amazon: 30-40% Off Most Models!

Frameworks cheap Frameworks cheap 2

As you can see, they have some pretty decent prices, and the original price is the slashed-through number, so while not everything has giant discounts, for the most part, they really do! Either way, when you look at something like the Orc squad, at $30, that’s a hard price to beat!

At $50, it’s hard to justify, but for $20 less, they are much better! Then for the bigger monsters, the deal only gets better, as the Balor goes from $100 down to $61.99.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the kits.

D&D Frameworks- Orcs

Frameworks cheap 3Here are the specs on this set:

  • Dungeons & Dragons Frameworks miniatures are highly-detailed, customizable figures, created with more experienced hobby painters in mind.
  • These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unprimed, and provide multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts across different miniatures in the Frameworks line.

Frameworks cheap 4

  • Clip your new hero or monster and their parts free from protective sprues to create a custom figure of your very own, and bring your dnd campaign and miniature collection to life.
  • Set Includes ~ Enough parts to create 7 Orcs

Frameworks cheap 5Like with most of their sprues, they are a little sparse, but for only $30, they are worth it.

D&D Frameworks- Balor:

Frameworks cheap 6This is actually quite large (16cm), and at the price of $61, this can be an excellent alternative for a lot of games!

  • Clip your new hero or monster and their parts free from protective sprues to create a custom figure of your very own, and bring your dnd campaign and miniature collection to life.
  • Set Includes ~ Balor Body, variety of magic blades, 3 horns, multiple base options.

Frameworks cheap 7This one is basically 40% off, so if you need a big fire demon, you can’t go wrong here!

D&D Frameworks- Human Wizard Male

Frameworks cheap 8They also have a ton of single characters on sale, and this is under $10! Meaning you can get some new characters for your RPG or army; you can’t go wrong for $6!

Frameworks cheap 9

  • Clip your new hero or monster and their parts free from protective sprues to create a custom figure of your very own, and bring your dnd campaign and miniature collection to life.
  • Set Includes ~ Pieces for 1 Human Wizard Male

Click Here To Get Your Frameworks For Cheap!

Will you be picking any of these up while they are on sale? 

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