Full Kragnos Age of Sigmar Warscroll Rules Revealed!

Kragnos-rules-age-of-sigmarWith the pre-order happening this weekend, GW decided to reveal the full Kragnos Warscroll (minus the points of course)- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the warscroll for free download. The Forces of Destruction are getting a new god-level character to lead them into battle! Kragnos can be taken by any Destruction army and will have the stat line to make him worthwhile in almost every army.

The mini is spectacular, and he adds an entirely new fold into the lore and idea of AoS. Let’s first check out the minis, then dive into the new rules (which you can download here).

Kragnos rThe last survivor of an ancient race, Kragnos is like nothing we’ve seen in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. He’s worshipped as a god by the forces of Destruction, and it’s easy to see why. He towers over all but the Mega-Gargants, and tales of his might have been passed down since the Age of Myth.

The Kragnos Mini










Kragnos is a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut of destruction, especially when wielding the legendary shield, Tuskbreaker. Armed with the Dread Mace, made from the heart of a mountain, his realm-splitting might becomes truly cataclysmic. Having hunted the ancient race of drakes nearly to extinction for little more than sport, there’s not much left that can survive his focused rage.

Kroak trapped him under a mountain for thousands of years, but he’s finally escaped from his prison! Since he is a god of destruction, it makes sense that those armies follow him willingly into battle, even the Mega-Gargants look up to his powers.

If you’ve been looking for a centerpiece and a beat stick, this is going to be right up your alley! The mini itself is really something to look at and will be quite the painting challenge.

Full Kragnos Age of Sigmar Warscroll Rules Revealed!

Kragnos warscroll


Kragnos warscroll Just right off the bat, he has 18 wounds, a 10″ move, and a 2+ save. Meaning he can get where he needs to go quickly and be super hard to kill. On top of that, he can pretty easily get rid of spells, making him even harder to kill. For his combat output, he isn’t lacking there either.

When he charges, he does d6 mortal wounds on a 2+ for non-monster units within an inch. Meaning just him charging will do insane damage, but against monsters, he can do a whopping 36 mortal wounds (what??). So if you’re looking to kill some big models, Kragnos is the one to do it! That doesn’t even take into account his high attacks and Bellow of Rage.

Bellow of Rage gets better the more wounded he becomes, which is pretty flavorful. He can also be included in any Destruction army, but just doesn’t gain the abilities of the army. Overall he has insane damage output and is really tough. We’ll have to wait on points, but this guy is just going to be a crazy mini on the battlefield that people will have to try and deal with.

And again, you can download the full warscroll here.

What do you think about the rules previewed so far? Will you be picking him up?

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